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SYD 3020 Final Study Guide Cumulative questions 7 Billion and Counting What is the demographic balancing accounting equation and what are its components Which of these components add to population size Which components subtract from population size The demographic balancing equation reflects an imbalance in the immediate causes of population growth The components are births and deaths Births add to population size whereas death subtracts to population size What is natural increase The difference between births and deaths What is the current global rate of natural increase In what area or areas of the world are rates of natural increase highest In what area or areas are rates lowest The global natural increase is 1 2 The areas of the world experiencing high rates of natural increase are LDCs whereas the lowest rates are in the MDCs How large was the global population at the start of the 20th century 1 6 billion people What is the demographic transition What are its two components that is what two demographic variables transition How is the demographic transition responsible for the unprecedented levels of population growth that characterized the 20th century The shifts in death and birth rates that have occurred over long periods of time We must look at how different the transition has been in developed and developing countries The transition describes two trends The decline in births and decline in deaths It is responsible because of the improvements in medicine and immunization campaigns after WWII About what percentage of the world s population lives in countries in Phase 1 of the demographic transition How about Phases 2 3 and 4 Phase 1 9 2 7 3 38 4 46 Population Growth and Resources Classic Perspectives Who was Thomas Malthus and what book did he author What were the two natural laws that he formulated in this book Thomas Malthus was known as the gloomy person because of his pessimism towards population growth He wrote the book Essay on the Principle of Education The two natural laws presented by Malthus were Population grows exponentially 2 4 8 while resources grow in linear fashion 1 2 3 Describe the Malthusian cycle What drives the cycle Can we ever escape it How What is a preventive check What is a positive check Population declines Food supply sufficient So population grows Strain on food supply leads to increased mortality as positive checks disease war starvation operate Population declines The cycle is driven by sex although he claims that we can escape it by educating people and promoting abstinence preventive check moral restraint What did Karl Marx s view as the primary fault of Malthus argument about the relationship between population growth and resources Pressure of growth not against means of subsistence but against means of employment Food shortages and poverty not due to population growth but to shortage of jobs paying a living wage To what did Marx attribute the inability of workers families to get sufficient food and other resources necessary to their survival Capitalism true culprit behind inability of workers to feed families Invest in new technologies fewer jobs for workers Result low wages growing population of poor families Health Survival During what century did e0 begin to show sustained improvement at least in European and European origin populations 19th century What country currently has the highest value for e0 What is this value overall not gender specific What is the current global value for e0 Japan Its current global value is 82 the global value was 70 years Describe the age structure of mortality At what ages is the risk of death highest At what ages is it lowest Communicable non communicable diseases or nutritional problems Cause of death structures vary across historical epochs socioeconomic development across populations demographic groups age sex within populations variation on certain diseases The risk of death is highest at birth The lowest age at which death is the lowest is at 10 15 According to the CDC what are the two top causes of death in the United States considered across all ages Approximately what share of U S deaths is due to these two causes The two main causes of death in the United States are Heart disease and malignant neoplasms What is e0 for the US What are the sex specific values How do these values compare to those in other countries with comparable living standards 79 years old Females 81 Males 76 Lowest of other countries were comparable to living standards In what world region is improvement in health and mortality lagging Or put another way in what region is e0 particularly low Sub Saharan Africa With respect to the cause structure of mortality why does Africa stand out High Fertility levels and poor Healthcare system How did the prevailing causes of death and life expectancy change over time according to epidemiologic transition theory ETT What factors were responsible for the changes at each stage Predominant causes linked to Modernization Technology agricultural improvements health conditions etc What is the key assumption of the ETT Does the cause of death structure in low income developing countries support this assumption or contradict it It contradicts it because there is no truth in it Illnesses such as HIV among others have emerged And technology has discovered them but hasn t been able to find cure for them Fertility The fertility transition began when couples started to be concerned about family size more than birth spacing What demographic change stimulated this new concern Social economic and environmental factors proximate determinant biological and behavioral factors fertility Fertility rates differ across age groups In the US today age specific fertility rates are rising at for which age groups Falling for which age groups What social structural factor s explain this pattern 20 24 have gone down overtime 25 29 have remained stable About what share of women of reproductive age in the United States are not using a contraceptive method 21 79 do Identify the two most popular contraceptive methods in the contemporary U S How does their use vary by age and marital status Hormonal and Surgical methods Provide an interpretation of the total fertility rate TFR What is its global value Its value in the more developed areas of the world In the less developed Least developed How does the TFR for the US compare to the TFR for its peer countries The number of children that average women in a population could

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