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CJC3010 Final Exam Study Guide Conclusions on Electronic Monitoring 1 EM is an effective community supervision strategy in terms of improving public safety and reducing the need for costly imprisonment 2 Florida s Statewide Monitoring Center has been an effective EM strategy that has alleviated the workload of officers significantly of offenders on EM 3 Revisit laws that mandate EM for specified offender types 4 Develop ways to better inform the judiciary 5 Assess ways that can reduce the unintended consequences of EM on offenders in terms of employment and disruption to their families Results From a Survey of Florida Citizens About the Correctional System Responses to Survey on Sentencing and Corrections in Florida 4 1 13 What do you think is the most important problem facing Florida s Corrections system today Number Percent 30 14 11 9 5 5 3 2 1 1 32 3 15 1 11 8 9 7 5 4 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Overcrowding Revolving Door repeat offenders Need more Rehabilitation programs Drug offenders shouldn t take up so much room Early release gain time parole Not enough money Not enough prisons Not enough good employees Illegal aliens Prisoners have too many rights Perception The highest response was Overcrowding at 32 Fact Florida prisons are not overcrowded because of court ordered and statutory restrictions on the number of inmates that can be housed in Florida What do you think is the main cause of this problem one response only Number Percent Legislature Justice system Not tough enough more punishment longer sentences Lack of educational vocational and drug abuse programs Repeat offenders Need more money spent on prisons 19 17 13 12 10 9 20 4 18 3 14 0 12 9 10 8 9 7 Early release get out too early gain time etc Too much crime Lack of good Jobs Governor Need more correctional officers 5 2 1 1 1 5 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Over the last 10 years do you think the number of people in Florida s State prison system has decrease increased or stayed about the same Number Percent 1 Stayed about the same 2 Decreased 3 Increased 1 Yes 2 No Perception Most 87 thought the prison system has increased over the past 10 years Fact That is correct with Florida prison population increasing from 50 603 in 1993 to over 90 000 today Does Florida need more State Prisons beds Number Percent Perception Most 84 thought Florida does need more state prison beds Fact The Legislature recently appropriated an addition 61 000 000 to build new prison beds in Florida Otherwise early prison release would return after ending in December 1994 Also the current projects are that the growth in prisons will continue over the next five years so the Legislature will have to fund more beds to prevent the early release of inmates 14 2 81 15 1 2 2 87 1 78 14 83 9 15 1 What percentage of their sentence do you think the typical criminal sentenced today serves in prison Number Percent 8 27 32 26 10 14 51 28 8 6 29 0 34 4 28 0 10 8 15 1 54 8 30 1 1 to 25 Percent 26 to 50 Percent 51 to 75 Percent 76 to 100 Percent 85 or More 1 About the same 2 Lower 3 Higher Perception Only 10 of you thought inmates served 85 of their sentence in prison and 38 thought it was 50 or less Facts The average percentage of sentence served for Florida inmate leaving prison today is 85 All new inmates will serve a minimum of 85 of their sentences Do you think the percentage of the sentence actually served today is about the same lower or higher than it was 10 years ago Number Percent Perception The majority of you 54 thought the percentage of sentence served in Florida s prisons is lower today than it was 10 years ago and another 15 1 thought it was about the same Fact The percentage of sentence served in Florida 10 years ago was 33 compared to 85 today If an inmate is given a life sentence today according to law will he or she serve a life term Number Percent 1 Yes 33 35 9 2 No 59 64 1 Perception Two thirds 64 of you thought an offender sentenced to Life in prison does not mean they will serve life Fact There is no parole in Florida therefore a life sentence to prison today means life Do you think the typical inmate is required to work while in prison Number Percent Perception Just under one half 46 of you thought the typical inmate in Florida s prisons is not required to work Fact Virtually all inmates work on a daily basis in Florida The only exceptions are those in Disciplinary Confinement and those that are too sick to work Do you think inmates who work in prison get paid for their work Number Percent Perception Over one half 53 of you thought inmates get paid to do work in Florida s Fact The vast majority of inmates are NOT paid to work in prison Only those who work for the non profit Prison Industry program get paid and this is a very small percentage of the total inmate population Do you approve or disapprove of inmates being paid if they work while in prison Number Percent 43 50 46 2 53 8 49 44 52 7 47 3 45 48 4 1 No 2 Yes 1 Yes 2 No prisons 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 48 51 8 Almost one half 48 of you approve of inmate getting paid to work Do you think the typical inmate has access to educational programs Number Percent Do you approve or disapprove of inmates having access to educational programs Number Percent Perceptions The vast majority of you thought inmates have access to educational programs 82 and approve of them going to school in prison 95 Fact The majority of inmates who are in need of educational programs do NOT receive those services because of a lack of funding for these services in prison Due to federal law all Special Education Students receive education Do you think inmates have access to drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs while in prison Number Percent 76 17 88 5 72 21 81 7 18 3 94 6 5 4 77 4 22 6 1 Yes 2 No 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 1 Yes 2 No Do you approve or disapprove of inmates having access to drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs Number Percent 1 Approve 2 Disapprove 88 5 94 6 5 4 Perceptions The vast majority of you thought inmates have access to drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs 77 and approve of them obtaining treatment 95 Fact A small percentage of the inmates who are in need of drug treatment receive those services Drug treatment funding has been cut in half over the past five years in Florida s DOC Do you think the typical inmate is housed in an air conditioned prison Number Percent …

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FSU CJC 3010 - Final Exam Study Guide

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