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ANT2416 Final Study Guide Final is Friday December 14 at 3 PM Emotion o Experiential component o Expressive component o Motivational component o Physiological component Charles Darwin o Studied emotional expression in children No other mammal emphasizes facial communication as much as primates do humans have inherited the primate use of the face as an instrument of communication Emotions and social life o Hamburg 1963 specific emotions evolved to regulate social life o Myers 1976 Rhesus monkeys same area of the brain involved in emotion and social life Loss of facial expression Loss of vocalization Avoidance of social interaction with other monkeys Mammals have o Lactation maternal care o Infant separation cry o Play behavior Have none of these if you remove limbic cortex o Concept developed by Konrad Lorenz o Hatching will follow the first moving object individual o Critical period happens one time irreversible Imprinting John Bowlby o Study of hospitalized children distress without obvious cause o 1946 Spitz grief and depression when children are institutionalized o Nature of the child s tie to his mother attachment Defining features of attachment in humans Proximity maintenance close to caretaker Separation distress protest when unable to maintain proximity Safe haven retreating to caregiver when sensing danger Secure base exploration of the world in the presence of the attachment figure o Attachment an adaptation created by natural selection o Bowlby s study results Very young infants are indiscriminate about caretakers Phase 1 birth 2 3 mos o Orient and signal without discrimination Phase 2 to 6 mos o Friendly to all but especially to mother Phase 3 6 mos to 36 mos o Use all means to maintain proximity to mother caregiver Phase 4 36 mos o Decreased evidence of separation distress Attachment across cultures o Mary Ainsworth developed a standardized and repeatable procedure for measuring attachment called the Strange Situation assessment Strange Situation assessment Caregiver present behavior cid 224 caregiver separation behavior cid 224 caregiver reunion behavior Examine behavior of child to measure attachment Harry Harlow security o Isolated monkeys are socially defective o Search for critical inputs necessary to rear socially competent monkeys o Infants will remain in contact with a cloth mother o Finds contact comfort in the presence of a cloth mother but not a wire mother o Rhesus monkey infants do develop attachment bond with cloth mothers who provide tactile experience Even 2 years later juveniles presented with their cloth mother will Contact comfort approach and cling o All mammals have a brain organized to support a mother infant bond Mammalian mother food protection o Primate mothers carry their infants with them Primate mother food protection transport Phyllis Dolhinow Lessons from langur monkeys o When biological mother is removed from group cage infant finds a new mother o Infant acts new mother responds o New attachment bond can replace old attachment Attachment with contact comfort is a feature of primates o Single births o Constant carrying o Mother care o Long term bonds Who can be a caretaker o Many mammalian species use mother only care o Among humans research has shown that survival of children and reproductive success of mothers is improved with Father care Grandparent care Sibling care Akira Zahra Care by other extended kin o Sarah Blaffer Hry calls these allomothers and proposes that humans are cooperative breeders o Caretakers do not have to be biological relatives Dora o Caretaking of human immatures is a cognitive challenge Salaam Bombay o Bombay India o Street children and how they provide social emotional support for one another o Problem solving behavior in the face of poverty and illiteracy o Sex trafficking o Institutional care o Non professional cast of street children o Main characters Krishna 12 14 protagonist Chillum 18 drug dealer and addict Sweet Sixteen 16 sold into prostitution Manju 8 10 daughter of Rehka Rehka 30 prostitute and mother of Manju Baba 30 drug dealer pimp father of Manju o After killing someone and losing every relationship of meaning to him Krishna sits in the street crying and winding up his spinning top Barry Bogin s children age 3 7 cannot survive without adult provisioning and social support Juveniles 7 12 are able to survive on the streets but they are focused on the immediate problems of the present and near future They are stuck Even older children need parents because they need help in learning the skills and obtaining the education that will help them to a better life They need guidance for longer life plans Time for School 2002 2004 o Follows 7 children from their first year of school until 2015 Afghanistan Shugufa Benin Nanavi Brazil Jefferson India Neeraj Japan Ken Kenya Joab Romania Raluca o The transfer of culture across generations through teaching and learning is a major form of human cooperation No other species does this as well as humans do this Tomasello Call 1997 o Human knowledge is a social collective enterprise What traits distinguish humans from all other species o Bipedalism cid 224 handpower and tool use o Brain size cid 224 cognitive versatility brainpower o Speech language cid 224 symbol power Primate learning is an individual enterprise o Primate parents don t teach How unique is human teaching o Teaching requires actual efforts by adults or older juveniles to facilitate information transfer merely being available for observation is not enough teaching also requires Deliberate modeling Active encouragement Exaggeration of the movements involved in the task to make it more obvious Simplification of the task to provided graded steps Such behavior is rarely observed in non human primates The importance of the juvenile stage middle childhood o The period between the eruption of the first molar and puberty o 5 7 year shift o Body Eruption of first molar Mid growth spurt and then prolonged slow growth Adrenarche adrenal androgens Less susceptible to communicable diseases o Brain o Emotion o Cognition EEG rhythms stabilize into an adult pattern Myelination is complete providing adult levels of axon conduction Cortical energy consumption peaks Sobering up less emotional turmoil Piaget period of concrete operations Theory of mind someone else s view of reality can be different than one s own Able to copy a geometric drawing Cross cultural recognition of the 5 7 shift o Begin to be teachable o Adults

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