EE 271 HW04 Due On 03 30 2022 Note You must use your own Code Outputs and Screenshots in homework assignments Your SJSU ID must be visible in all screenshots via Remote Desktop 20 Points Q1 Write a Verilog design to detect the sequence 11010 using a finite state machine On detection assert the output logic 1 Create a testbench to verify the same Output simulation and waveform expected 15 Points Q2 Design a D flip flop and synthesize it You can use past homework Note You can use design vision gui to manually synthesize or use the synthesis script The output should be your synthesized file dff netlist v with dff v design code and tb dff v testbench 10 Points Q3 Write a simple Arduino code to interface LCD with Arduino and display Fixed Point in the first line and your group number in the second line as Group x where x is a number In one paragraph explain how the two devices communicate with each other Code and working LCD picture is expected 5 Points Q4 What is a 7 Segment Display Explain its working in brief with pin level diagram 10 Points Q5 Implement a number on the 7 segment display Your FPGA must show your group number on any one two of the 6 displays 7 segments Picture Code and Pin assignment expected 10 Points Q6 Implement a simple counter in the FPGA Board using Quartus Prime Lite to count until 25 000 000 or 25 Mega clock cycles On reaching the value toggle an LED This counter should increment on the positive edge of the onboard 50 MHz clock If reset the counter resets to 0 Code and picture expected 10 Points Q7 Provide a block diagram of the components and peripherals you will use in the Fixed Point MAC 20 Points Q8 Represents the following numbers in fixed point format Q7 9 Your answers should be in binary and project Hex A 13 5 B 0 3 C 8 6875 D 46 0 P a g e 1 1
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