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Phenomenology Underlying Structure Categorical vs Dimensional Views category vs continuum Diagnosis of Mood Disorders Childhood affective disorders depression and anxiety Diagnosing an adult is different than diagnosing a child 4 lack of manic mixed hypomanic episodes Types of Depression cid 127 Major Depressive Disorder 1 more severe 2 often recurrent 3 shorter duration Dysthymic Disorder 1 2 less severe lasts over 1 year Age based diagnostic differences 1 duration for adults 2 years dysthymia 2 both show irritable mood Categorization 1 Major Depression 2 Dysthmia 3 Bipolar Disorder cid 127 Weiss Garber say that there might be developmental differences in phenomenology Symptoms manifest differently for children at different ages children and infants don t have the cognitive capacity to display some symptoms such as hopelessness guilt self esteem children have a lot of somatic symptoms i e headaches or aches in body single depressive symptoms are high in children symptoms do not indicate diagnosable syndrome Major Depressive Disorder doesn t appear until after childhood whereas dysthymia appears earlier in childhood dysthymic disorder is more noticeable because it takes place over a longer period of time Symptoms in Infants incessant crying attachment issues flat affect slower development Symptoms in children consistent defiance problems with socialization anger somatic symptoms phobias nightmares Symptoms in Adolescence lack of enjoyment in activities suicidal ideation change in sleep pattern change in eating habits hopelessness worthlessness Family factors affect males more that are transitioning from childhood to adulthood girls diagnosed more in adolescence where as boys are diagnosed more in childhood Co morbidity with depression 1 anxiety 2 ODD 3 substance abuse Childhood Bipolar Disorder is usually seen in adolescence Bipolar 1 mixed or manic episodes cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 Bipolar 2 never had a manic episode but have had hypomanic episodes Bipolar disorders are classified based on presence of 5 or more depressive symptoms during a 2 week period When diagnosing children with bipolar diagnostic features overlap with other childhood disorders especially in children and adolescents that are already prone to greater mood swings

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DREXEL PSY 225 - Phenomenology

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