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Skip to content Search Search Advanced Search Blog Photos Videos Email Updates Final Exam for IS 230 d Fundamentals of Emergency Management Privacy Act Statement Public Law 93 579 Each time that this test is loaded you will receive a unique set of questions and answers The test questions are scrambled to protect the integrity of the exam Please note that you will be required to enter your Social Security number at the completion of this exam This website and the testing system meet federal guidelines for protecting Personally Identifiable Information However if you do not wish to submit your Social Security number you will need to request an alternative ID number from the Independent Study program For directions on how to request an alternative ID number please see our Frequently Asked Questions http training fema gov IS isfaqdetails asp id 4 cat General 20Questions Please note that the IS Program does not accept the FEMA SID when completing your test Please use your SSN as directed in the test form Those individuals that do not wish to use their SSN may request an Alternate ID number Please note that this page will time out in 25 minutes if there is no activity on the page Prior to timing out you will be given an opportunity to request more time If the page has timed out you will be redirected to the IS Course List If you click the back button your test will not be processed 1 Mission areas are comprised of the capabilities required for executing a function at any time before during or after an incident and across all threats and hazards Four of the five preparedness mission areas are Prevention Protection Response and Recovery Which is the fifth mission area 2 Categorizing by capability the resources requested deployed and used in incidents is referred to as Display All A Mitigation B Readiness C Preparation D Planning A Resource classifying B Resource typing A Should be present at the Incident Command Post to direct the first responders in executing tactical operations B Conduct a preliminary damage assessment and submit documentation to FEMA requesting a Federal disaster C May need to help shape or modify laws policies and budgets to aid preparedness efforts and to improve emergency management and response capabilities D Delegate responsibility for emergency management and typically are not involved in the incident response and 4 In addition to emergency core functions the emergency manager directs day to day program functions An example of a day to day function is 5 Specific areas of authority and responsibilities for emergency management should be clearly stated in local ordinances and laws These ordinances and laws should specify a specific line of succession for elected officials and require that departments of government establish lines of succession 6 is a core function implemented during an emergency A Public education and information B Finance and administration C Logistics management and resource support D Threat and hazard analysis 7 What capabilities focus on reducing loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters 8 Which of the following is NOT a key function of the Multiagency Coordination System C Resource cataloging D Resource grouping 3 Local elected or appointed officials declaration recovery A TRUE B FALSE A Public health and medical services B Emergency public information C Direction control and coordination D Hazard mitigation A Mitigation B Response C Protection D Management A Critical resource planning B Interagency activities C Situation assessment D Incident command A Response and Recovery B Preparedness and Policing C Mitigation and Management D Protection and Prevention 9 Integrated emergency management is A Used only during times of disasters and should not be integrated into the daily decisionmaking process within a B Intended to create an organizational culture that is critical to achieving unity of effort between all stakeholders C A detailed methodology used when needed to manage complex incidents that are beyond a jurisdiction s capability D A new concept to ensure that jurisdictions are prepared to response to human caused incidents such as terrorist jurisdiction attacks 10 Identifying threats and hazards and applying physical technological and cyber measures to limit access are examples of capabilities that support which mission areas 11 Which FEMA mitigation program assists in implementing long term hazard mitigation measures following 11 Which FEMA mitigation program assists in implementing long term hazard mitigation measures following Presidential disaster declarations 12 is responsible for coordinating Federal resources Federal resources that support State local tribal and territorial efforts when a Federal emergency or disaster is declared A Pre Disaster Mitigation PDM B Repetitive Flood Claims RFC C Hazard Mitigation Grant Program HMGP D Severe Repetitive Loss SRL A State government B Local government C FEMA D Regional government 13 Which of the folowing statements is FALSE A Private and nonprofit sectors are encouraged to develop contingency plans and to work with State tribal and local planners to ensure that their plans are consistent with other pertinent plans B While private sector organizations are important in building resilient communities before an incident occurs they play a limited role if any during an incident C Government agencies are responsible for protecting the lives and property of their citizens and promoting their well being However the government does not and cannot work alone D Nonprofit organizations bolster and support government efforts These organizations collaborate with responders governments at all levels and other agencies and organizations 14 Emergency managers consider and take into account all threats hazards all phases all stakeholders and all impacts relevant to disasters This statement describes which emergency management principle 15 While every part of an emergency management program has its own role and function private citizens are soley responsible for the protection of life and property 16 Emergency managers create and sustain broad and sincere relationships among individuals and organizations to encourage trust advocate a team atmosphere build consensus and facilitate communication This statement describes which emergency management principle 17 Which mission area includes restoring health and social services networks and returning economic and business activities to a

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