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Public Speaking Informative Speeches Think about who the audience is o First thing you should ask o Presentation should be tailored to your audience o Demographics Age gender race Gives us some ideas about them but doesn t tell us truly who that person is o Psychographics Things people have Attitudes beliefs How people feel about the world Doesn t necessarily tell you about the person s behaviors You have to be able to watch and observe the audience o Behaviors o Direct contact Talking to people to find out who they are Really tells you who your audience is Go to a meeting before your presentation to talk to the audience and help reduce anxiety and have a more realistic idea for you presentation Be a good listener don t talk so much Informative speech o Introduction o Body Main Point 1 Main Point 2 Main Point 3 o Conclusion Introduction o Open with IMPACT Get audience s attention in a way that grabs them Don t say good morning or how are you Great ways Ask a rhetorical question not opened ended questions o Speak quickly after you ask the question don t allow audience to answer Tell personal story o Increases ethos Be careful with quotes Loudest point in speech o Thesis Single clear concise sentence o Connect with the audience Creating relevance Tell audience why they should listen to you Connect with the audience early and often Introduction is early part o Speaker credentials Brag about yourself Tell audience why you know what you know We are in an individualist society In China don t brag be humble In America brag o Preview the main points Tell 3 points 3 times First time mentioning 3 main points o Order is not important for the middle part of intro Body o Build in oral citations o Build in natural transitions between the points o Second time mentioning 3 main points Conclusion o Restate thesis o Summarize main points o Create closure Start with idea and end with same idea o Last time mentioning 3 main points o Never put in new information o Never thank audience Audience should be thanking the speaker Organizational Patterns o Informative To educate or to inform Topical Organize main points by subject Topics Time Spatial Chronological order Dates Geographical More with space not just geographical sections Spatial relations o Persuasive Cause Effect Problem Solution Motivated Sequence Developed in 1980s

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UCF COM 1000 - Public Speaking

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