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Public Speaking Delivery Styles U S has the most anxiety for public speaking in the world 4 main delivery styles o Manuscript Write out a speak word or word and you read it to an audience Ex State of the Union address a lot of political speeches Speeches are created by someone else not the politician Have to make sure the speech writers craft the speech specifically for the politician Everyone has a public speaking style Video Commander in Chief First female president because actual president was killed and she First time she addressed the nation as the President of the United was vice president States As she s reading the manuscript to the important people the screen with the script cuts off She caught it because she s practiced it and looked over it before Still have to practice with manuscript Television castors use manuscripts on teleprompters o Other people control the speed of the manuscript Too slow awkward Too fast really fast words o Have to learn how to keep your eyes straight and not look side to side Have to get all facts straight and numbers right when reading a manuscript Delivering a eulogy speech for a deceased person is fine to use manuscript Have to be careful about stereotypes about young people Unprepared less credible Stay away from manuscript o Impromptu Don t have anything ready No preparation and no prior notice Very difficult o Memorized Actors memorize scripts Don t know full information just word for word Use scripted language when speaking negative bad Sound superficial People don t trust you Time consuming Beware Performance is different than presentation Presentation is you being yourself o Adjusting your message based on audience Performance is one way communication o You normally don t see audience because they are dark Video National Anthem signer forgets words Natalie Gilbert at NBA finals o She was laughing when she messed up because she was uncomfortable and the audience was laughing too We want people to do well and if they don t we feel bad and uncomfortable o Audience wants you to succeed and its awkward when you don t o She was an amature Super Bowl good Video Christina Aguilera messes up National Anthem during o She messed up the words and she thought she was doing o Sometimes people just mess up Video Christina Aguilera talking on Ellen o People are usually more forgiving of the speaker than the speaker is of themselves o Extemporaneous Practice speech and make outline for it Make note cards for speech o Not huge note card and not everything written on them Practice preparation and ability to be spontaneous Business professionals use this style

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UCF COM 1000 - Public Speaking: Delivery Styles

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