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FMSC 280 Reading Guide for Exam 3 Jacobsen Chapter 9 Control of Infectious Diseases 1 What are the 5 modes of transmission for communicable diseases Direct transmission person to person when susceptible person touches an infectious person s blood or other bodily fluids and then touches a portal of entry Airborne when pathogens are aerosolized or suspended in the air and people breathe contaminated air Vector borne infections spread by insects Fecal oral transmission occurs when people ingests products contaminated with fecal material from infectious animals and humans Vertical transmission mother to child during pregnancy or delivery to baby through breast milk 2 What are the stages in the natural history of a disease Usual timeline from exposure to a particular agent to infection to either recovery or death i Infectivity capacity of an infectious agent to cause infection to susceptible human 1 Measured with secondary attack rate average number of other people that one contagious person infects ii Latent phase incubation period immediately after infection when the agent multiplies in the host cause disease iii Disease occurs when infected person develops symptoms or illness not all infections iv Pathogenicity capacity of an infectious agent to cause disease in an infected human and measured by the proportion of individuals with laboratory confirmed infection who become ill v Virulence ability of an infectious agent to cause disease or death in host measured by proportion of severe or fatal cases among all people who have disease 3 What is the role of the immune system in the natural history of disease Immune system fights off pathogens 4 What is the meaning of the following terms Portal of entry mouth eyes nose or another hole disease can get into the body Reservoir environment home for infectious agent Cycle of infection how infectious agent cycles between different species Intermediate host host that harbors the parasite for short transition period when some of the development is completed Secondary attack rate average number of people that the contagious person affects Incubation period immediately after infections infectious agents multiplies in the hose but the infected individual does not feel sick 5 What type of agent bacteria virus protozoa fungus parasite causes each of the following infectious diseases Guinea worm disease parasite Measles virus E Coli bacteria Schistosomiasis parasite Tuberculosis bacteria Malaria protozoan from mosquitos Lyme disease bacteria from ticks Polio virus Influenza virus 6 What is a vector Insects that spread disease 1 7 What is KAP and what does it mean in terms of healthy behaviors Triad of knowledge attitudes and beliefs Once someone understands why a behavior is healthy or believes it is worth the effort to make a change it is easier to engage in healthy behaviors 8 What does the term surveillance mean in the context of communicable disease What is sentinel surveillance System track infectious disease reports from hospitals and other information sources to look for patterns and possible outbreaks or clusters of diseases Run by government and use continuous monitoring in population so that changes can be tracked quickly and appropriate control measures implemented 9 What is the difference between the elimination of a communicable disease and eradication of a communicable disease Eradication achieved when there is no risk of infection or disease in any part of world even in absence of immunization or other control measures i Must include intervention that effectively interrupts the chain of transmission ii Disease must be highly pathogenic so that people who contract disease have obvious symptoms and can easily be tracked iii Must affect humans Elimination when control measures remove all risk of new infection in a region 10 Define endemic epidemic and pandemic Endemic disease is always present in the population Epidemic outbreak when disease is occurring more often than usual and more than a few sporadic occurrences of disease Pandemic worldwide epidemic Jacobsen ch 10 Global Infectious Disease Initiatives 1 What does AIDS stand for a Acquired immunodeficiency virus 2 What is the difference between HIV and AIDS At what point does HIV become AIDS a HIV is a viral infection spread when body fluids like blood semen vaginal fluid or breast milk are exchanged during sexual contact the sharing of needs mother to child and during childbirth or breastfeeding b AIDS is a collection of symptoms that occur as a result of the destruction of the immune system cells by the HIV virus 3 What is an antiretroviral a Keeping the viral count low to slow the progression of symptoms 4 What is HAART and what do the letters in HAART stand for a Highly active antiretroviral therapy b Best current treatment for HIV infection consists of combinations of several drugs 5 What is an opportunistic infection a Disease that occurs in people with AIDS and only occur hen the body s immune system is weakened enough to give the infectious agents an opportunity to invade 6 What are universal precautions a Wearing gloves when caring for a sick person or cleaning up a spill or soiled laundry 7 Can HIV be transmitted from a mother to her infant in breast milk a Yes 8 What is the difference between latent and active tuberculosis a Active is contagious b Latent means the person is infected but does not have the active disease not contagious 9 What is the relationship between AIDS and TB 2 a People with HIV are more likely to develop TV and this is the leading cause of death to people with AIDS b TB and AIDs are linked 10 What is DOTS and what do the letters stand for a Directly observed therapy short course protocol for the treatment that WHO recommends 11 Why is antibiotic resistant bacteria a problem in TB treatment a Because people are not finishing their dosages of drugs and therefore are making new strains of TB that cannot be treated 12 What causes malaria a Parasitic infection cause by protozoa of the Plasmodium species 13 Who is most at risk for severe complications and death from malaria a Children and pregnant women Jacobsen Ch 7 The Global Impact of Non Communicable Disease 1 What is a non communicable disease Why are they often called chronic diseases What causes a Medical condition or disease that is non infectious and non transmissible b There are multiple causes c Considered chronic because often occur in older populations 2 What is the most significant predictor

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