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Rachel Lilienfeld Inag Final 1 2 3 5 6 Chapter 1 5 levels of communication Intrapersonal communication with yourself Interpersonal ourselves and one other person Group three or more people Public one person speaks face to face with an audience Mass communication audience becomes so large that it has to be put into some type of medium Referent the object or idea each interpreter attaches to a symbol Feedback verbal and nonverbal responses between communicators Listener receiver or decoder Decoding the process of attaching meaning to a symbol received Ethics in speeches standards used to discriminate between right and wrong Speak to benefit listeners Pick topics that have ethical values Use valid reasoning Communication apprehension the fear or anxiety associated with communication Visualization a strategy for reducing communication anxiety by picturing yourself delivering a successful speech Vocalized pause sounds like Ah like okay um so Chapter 2 Chapter 3 No Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Audience targeting the strategy of directing a speech primarily towards one or more of the entire audience Audience disposition describes how listeners are suppose to react to speakers Voluntary audience group of people that have assembled on their own free will Captive audience group of people that who are compelled or feel compelled to assemble to listen to a speaker Chapter 6 Brainstorming before a speech you use critical thinking skills to generate ideas Thesis statement a one sentence topic of a speakers message Extra from midterm WIIFIM What s in it for me 4 S s sign post state support summary Awfulize Imagine it could be as bad as it could be Chapter 9 organizing the body of your speech Key points 1 topical division organization of a speech according to aspects or subtopics of the subject 2 chronological division organization of a speech according to a time dequence 3 spatial division organization of the speech according to the geography or physical structure of the subject 4 casual division organization of a speech from cause to effect or from effect to cause 5 pro con division organization of a speech according to arguments for and against some policy position or action 6 mnemonic division organization of a speech according to a special memory device such as alliteration rhyme or initial letters that spell a word 7 problem solution division a rigid organizational pattern that establishes a compelling problem and offers one or more convincing solutions 8 need plan division a variation of problem solution organization that 1 Establishes a need or deficiency 2 Offers a proposal to meet the need 3 Shows how the plan satisfies the need 4 Suggests a plan for implementing the proposal key points 1 signpost the idea 2 state the idea 3 support the idea 4 summarize the idea Chapter 10 introducing and concluding your speech Functions of a speech introduction 1 get the attention of your audience 2 state your topic 3 establish the importance of your topic 4 establish your credibility to speak on your topic 5 preview the key idea of your speech strategies for getting your audiences attention 1 question your audience 2 arouse curiosity 3 stimulate imagination 4 promise something beneficial 5 amuse your audience 6 energize your audience 7 acknowledge and compliment your audience functions of a speech conclusion 1 summarize your key ideas 2 activate audience response 3 provide closure Chapter 13 delivering your speech Methods of delivery elements of vocal delivery 1 rate and pause 2 volume 3 pitch and inflectiob 4 articulation and pronunciation elements of physical delivery facial expression 1 appearance 2 posture 3 4 eye contact 5 movement 6 gestures 1 speaking impromptu speaking without advance preparation 2 speaking from memory recalled word for word 3 speaking manuscript delivering a speech from a text written word for word and practiced in advanced 4 speaking extemporaneously from notes or from a memorized outline chapter 16 The Strategy of Persuasion types of persuasive speech 1 Speech to convince a persuasive speech designed to influence listeners 2 Speech to actuate a persuasive speech designed to influence listener s 3 Speech to inspire a persuasive speech designed to influence listeners beliefs or attitudes behaviors feelings Ethos speaker credibly Logos logical appeal Pathos emotional appeal Credibility the degree to which listeners believe a speaker Initial credibility a speakers image or reputation before speaking to a particular audience Derived credibility the image listeners develop of a speaker as he or she speaks Terminal credibility the image listeners develop of a speaker by the end of a speech and for a period of time after it Guidelines for enhancing your image of competence 1 know your subject 2 document your ideas 3 cite your sources 4 acknowledge personal involvement persuasive speaking strategies focus your goals 1 establish your credibility 2 3 connect with yours listeners 4 organize your arguments 5 support your ideas 6 enhance your emotional appeals Chapter 18 speaking on special occasions Speech of introduction a speech introducing a feature speaker focus on the featured speaker 1 2 be brief 3 establish the speakers credibility 4 create realistic expectations 5 set the tone for the speech speech of presentation a speech conferring an award a prize or some other recognition on an individual or group 1 state the purpose of the award or recognition 2 state the recipients qualifications 3 adapt your speechs organization to audience knowledge 4 compliment finalists for the award acceptance speech responding to a speech by acknowledging an award a tribute ot recognition thank those who bestowed the award 1 2 compliment the competition thank those who helped you attain the award 3 4 accept the award graciously tribute speech a speech honoring a person group or event 1 establish noble themes 2 provide vivid examples 3 express audience feelings 4 create a memorable image 5 be genuine 1 make a point 2 be creative 3 be organized 4 use app humor 5 use spirited delivery speech to entertain designed to make a point through the creative organized use of humorous supporting material

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UMD INAG 110 - Chapter 1

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