Natural and anthropogenic sources of sulphur compounds Natural in the atmosphere Marine phytoplankton produce dimethyl sulfide DMS which is then oxidized to SO2 Decay processes in soil and vegetation produce H2S as one of sulfur compounds SO2 is emitted into the atmosphere by volcanoes Most recently however the natural sources have been by far surpassed by anthropogenic sources Natural sources have been estimated to produce around 24 of all sulfur dioxide emissions whereas human caused emissions made up around 76 Anthropogenic emissions Fossil fuel combustion accounts for almost all anthropogenic human caused sulfur Historically the use of coal in domestic heating was a major source of sulfur dioxide emissions but has recently declined Energy Production o Electric power generation o Petroleum refining o Other combustion Commercial and residential use Combustion for industry use Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels Transport Production processes o Road transport o Other Transport such as aviation ships trains
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