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Provide two examples of situations in which you can benefit in conflict resolution by identifying problem ownership How can this help you to resolve conflict that may exist in the workplace that comes to your attention One example of a situation that can benefit in conflict resolution by identifying problem ownership is when a colleague would help herself to my lunch This colleague did not bring lunch or snacks to get her through the day She would sit in the atrium during lunch time and would eat off my lunch This was bothersome to me because I only packed enough lunch for me It turned out that I only ate half a lunch and that I was still hungry Sometimes I would have leftover from the night before so I would bring a little extra to share At times this colleague would buy lunch for me as a pay back She would always mentioned how she cooked great meals for her family during the week and weekends and never thought to bring in any to share So I realized that I was the one who had the problem with it so I talked to her and let her know how I felt The second example of a situation that can benefit in conflict resolution by identifying problem ownership is when a colleague thought he overstepped his boundaries with me on a committee The situation was on his mind for several days and he decided to send me an e mail apologize for his behavior I did not see his behavior as being out of line or that he stepped over the line I told him that there was no need to apologize because he did not do anything wrong and that he did not overstep I m glad that he realized he had the problem and wanted to correct it By him recognizing that he had the problem he was able to have peace of mind after we talked I am thankful that I was able to help him know that he did nothing wrong The importance of managing conflict is evident Reducing the negative effects and increasing the positive impacts is critical in a balanced workplace This can help individuals resolve conflict in the workplace by determining the type of conflict and its results If not properly managed conflict can be destructive and ruin employee relationships Unmanaged conflict can create bad feelings in people who experience it as well as those who merely observe it Poorly managed conflict causes deteriorated employee and team performance levels reduced productivity and interruptions in employee relationships increased absenteeism and employee stress high turnover rates and monetary losses associated with professional fees such as attorneys and court costs Response 2 It is virtually impossible to resolve a conflict if either party fails to accept responsibility for their own role in it One example is individuals that indicate unwillingness to accept any form of compromise They are highly questionable to change their beliefs or behaviors Often they do not really desire to achieve an answer or solution but rather to continue to attack their opponents and cause them hurt They may even want to get rid of them entirely A good example can be seen through the genocide that happened or force migration in Africa a few years ago This is because these individuals refuse to make any special considerations themselves cooperation and urging them are usually not practical choices Therefore resolving any conflict is to clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of the individuals involved This may appear to be good advice and in a non conflict situation it is easy to agree with the assumption However problems arise when one attempts to transfer assumption into practice I feel that an individual can help to resolve conflict that may exist in the workplace that may come to my attention is identifying the problem Without any clear sense of what the issues is solving or addressing the issue becomes more difficult if not impossible For example both sides of a conflict are brought together in order to begin to learn what the main concern is or concerns are This might take the form of a meeting or separate meetings if a joint meeting cannot be scheduled Together the sides will begin to figure out what the issues might be in order to ensure each is addressed

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UOPX HRM 323 - Conflict resolution

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