Running head RESEARCH AND REFLECT 1 Research and Reflect HRM 323 RESEARCH AND REFLECT 2 Research and Reflect If a supervisor came to me for guidance in dealing with a possible conflict I would assume that there have been signs from the interested parties that a conflict is brewing Perhaps he noticed uneasiness in the manner in which the two parties Donna and Kelly are communicating Maybe in meetings they are low on verbal communication with each other but high on shoulder shrugs or eye rolling Perhaps other members of the team have approached the supervisor with concerns The supervisor does not know when or how to intervene with what he perceives to be a smoking gun between the two women It is in his interest to make certain that the project comes in on time but he knows that the two women will need to work together again so he expresses the need to be certain that feelings are not hurt if at all possible As the employee relations specialist I would begin by asking the supervisor some important questions We first need to establish whether this is strictly Kelly s problem or if both women are having a problem and a conflict exists Whenever there is conflict some need is not being met The supervisor needs to meet with each woman privately to ascertain how they think the project is going It is here that he will need to be an especially intuitive listener He will need to listen to ascertain if there are other triggers that are bringing about a perceived conflict There could be racial social ideological differences or is it simply that one has quirks that the other doesn t If he determines that Kelly owns the problem then he might help her to resolve the personal conflict by using the window on behavior model He needs to remember that in a true conflict Kelly is not getting some need met Analyze whether or not she needs to have resolution in order to maintain a positive attitude about the team and the project as well as her satisfaction with her work environment RESEARCH AND REFLECT 3 If Kelly honestly feels that the problem is solely within her outlook on the work ethics of another employee then the supervisor should make some suggestions to help her realize that her own work and the success of the team s project does not depend on the speed with which Donna completes her part If Kelly thinks that Donna is providing slipshod work because of her ethic of only doing as much as is necessary then the supervisor should take a closer look at Donna s part of the project The supervisor again needs to listen to what is being said as well as to what Kelly may not be overtly saying because she doesn t know why Donna s actions bother her Some indicators to look for might be a reference to a previous project that was not up to par in her opinion or an insistence that everyone work overtime to be certain that no emergencies prevent the project from coming in on time She may also be under the stress of a possible promotion if the project is a success or be worried about the security of her job if the project is not a success He should listen for any non explanatory statements such as I just don t like her or I will work with her if I have to to see if there may be other more personal reasons why she has a problem with Donna In using the window on behavior model the supervisor can identify which skills he will have to use to get this situation resolved If Kelly thinks that the problem lies with Donna the supervisor will use acute listening skills because this is not always clear in the mind of the disgruntled employee If Kelly indicates that there is no problem then the supervisor should probe a little into the relationship the two women have to see if further negotiation needs to take place If Kelly speaks up and indicates that she has done everything in her power to get Donna to work over time it is possible that he will need to integrate his confrontational avoidance skills RESEARCH AND REFLECT 4 and if Kelly indicates that she was not consulted with regard to the team assignments then the supervisor would need to use his conflict resolution skills Gordon Training International 2010 If Kelly agrees that the problem is hers then further investigation and discussion with her could be started to see if perhaps Kelly s actions are precipitating Donna s responses Relationships between employees are sometimes so convoluted that it may not be possible for the supervisor to separate the various strands It will also most likely that the supervisor meet with Donna to see if she is aware of the stress that her approach to her part of the problem might be causing others There may be a side to this situation that is built upon previous contact between the two women Donna might be interested in annoying another person just because she can The supervisor should come at this discussion from the viewpoint of the team not working at cross purposes I would remind the supervisor to be a supportive problem solver should he need to do a more serious conflict resolution to this situation Be sure that when meeting with them that they use I messages Goodwin Griffith 2007 p 144 and ask them for solutions to the conflict This empowers employees and allows them to be a more involved part of a solution process According to Help Guide n d It is important to acknowledge that both parties needs play important roles in the long term success of most relationships and each deserves respect and consideration Conflict Resolution Skills para 6 The supervisor should consider using the collaborative mind set if it is likely that the two women will be placed in working proximity again A long term objective can be well served by collaborative compromise Demonstrating that team members needs are as important as his own and that he is committed to addressing their needs on a consistent basis Goodwin Griffith 2007 p 51 RESEARCH AND REFLECT 5 Finally he should realize when he cannot do anything to resolve the situation Circumstances extend beyond what you can affect in your work area or among the staff you manage Goodwin Griffith 2007 p 18 At this point the supervisor will need to decide if the concern over the two women s approach to completing the project is serious enough that one should not continue working with the organization RESEARCH AND REFLECT 6 References Goodwin C Griffith D 2007 The Conflict Survival Kit Tools for Resolving Conflict at Work Upper Saddle River NJ Pearson Education Gordon Training International 2010 Leadership
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