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How can you become a more effective communicator How can you express your feelings and emotions to individuals in the workplace How can you express to another individual that you have heard and processed his or her feelings and emotions According to Chapter 5 individuals become more effective communicators as they understand and master the three channels of communication To communicate more effectively it is important to understand how our nonverbal and verbal messages express our thoughts and feelings Also the more one uses communication skills the better communicator they become By being aware of one s nonverbal and verbal messages allows them to be cognizant of their attitude and emotions towards others By understanding how our nonverbal and verbal messages affect others will allow us to express yourself in a way that engages the other person in communicating with is Additionally it is important to understand both nonverbal and verbal messages as we are the receptor as well This will allow us to respond appropriately and put into context the other s persons emotions and feelings One can express feelings and emotions to another individual that you have heard and processed their feelings and emotions is by empathy By expressing empathy to others will help an individual develop effective communication Empathy shows the individual that you care understand and hear what they are saying I believe individuals can effective express empathy to individuals in the workplace I believe it is important to paraphrase if you are unclear as to the message is Ultimately it is important to understand our nonverbal verbal and para verbal cues when communicating with colleagues and other individuals Response 2 To become a more effective communicator is to first develop a listening skill Listening plays an important role in communicating with others I can talk forever but if I m not listening to what they are saying to me then we would never accomplish anything I try my best to conduct myself professionally at all time while I m at work but sometimes my face would tell it all I m always calm and professional when I have to approach one of my employees or any of my colleagues but at times they can tell my feelings are different from what I m saying to them because of my face It is a curse that my face tells how I m feeling I believe in giving benefit of the doubt to people I empathize with my employees I want to be treated with respect and empathy and I pay the same respect to my employees I m open minded and I do my best to accommodate them when they come to me with a special request or if they need me to accommodate their schedule because their children have a special event at school or they are not feeling well But this brings me back to listening being the most important element in the communication system

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UOPX HRM 323 - How can you become a more effective communicator?

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