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Childhood Schizophrenia use adult criteria must diagnose with symptoms expression apathy symptoms are excess or distortion of normal function delusion hallucination thought disorder disorganized behavior symptoms are diminishment or absence of normal behavior anhedonia not happy avolition no movement alogia no speech affective flattening no facial Imaginary companions are normally a part of a child s life 30 60 unless child doesnt know companion isnt real and have many imaginary friends Teens less likely to have delusions and more likely to have visual hallucinations children more likely to have auditory hallucination Biological enlarged ventricles precede onset of disorder The dopamine Hypothesis schizophrenia is associated with over activity of dopamine only help with positive symptoms produce tremors Parkinson s symptoms involuntary movement of neck muscles Tartive Dyskensia only 50 respond to dopamine blocking drug Frith s Theory cant generate willed actions negative symptoms animal name game schizos avg mean of 4 typical mean 14 cant monitor willed actions positive symptoms typical people self correct and patients didnt self correct at all doesnt address development or underlying biological levels Theory of Mind Impairment inability to monitor own and others beliefs and intentions symptoms inability to represent others perspective underlies persecutory delusions and speech impairment symptoms absence of theory of mind underlies social withdrawal and impoverished speech ToM deficits specific to schizophrenia Bentall accounts for persecutory delusions starts with self serving bias and event attribute to self Childhood factors predict schizophrenia abnormalities in neuromotor coordination worse sustained attention thought disorder qualitative different than their peers social adjustment problems mother infant interactions Treatment inpatient care can provide intense consistent environment necessary to regulate persistent severe bizarre schizophrenic behavior avoid hospitilizaton neuroleptics is widely accepted usually only control positive symptoms side effects drowsiness tardive dyskinesia environmental structure promotes internal structure of thought contingency management reinforcement to shape behavior adaptive skills social organization

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