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BOT3015 EXAM 4 STUDY GUIDE Objectives for Lecture 16 Fungi 1 Be able to state the characteristics of fungi a Eukaryotic cells b Multicellular and filamentous except yeasts c Have cell walls and wall contains chitin d Heterotrophic absorbers not photosynthetic e No motile cells f Zygotic Meiosis the first widely used antibiotic a Hyphae fungal filaments b Mycelium a mass of hyphae arthropods to saprophyte 2 Know that fungi supply us with many important pharmaceuticals including penicillin which was 3 Know the terms hyphae mycelium chitin saprophyte detritivore parasite c Chitin polymer of N acetylglucosamine same material found in exoskeletons of d Detritivore organisms which obtain nutrients from dead organic matter synonymous e Parasite relationship where one species benefits at the expense of the other 4 Be able to name the three groups of fungi and state their differences particularly those having to 5 Know the following terms Zygomycetes stolons rhizoids sporangia gametangia do with sexual reproduction a Zygomycetes form spores in zygosporangium b Ascomycetes form spores in ascus c Basidiomycetes form spores on top of basidium zygosporangium spores a Zygomycetes i Stolons hyphal runners between rhizoids ii Rhizoids root like hyphae iii Sporangia sac holding spores iv Gametangia n organs that produce gametes such as egg cells archegonia or sperm cells antheridia v Zygosporangium 2n fertilized egg cells vi Spores n sperm cells 6 Ascomycetes monokaryotic hyphae conidia ascogonium antheridium dikaryotic hyphae ascocarp ascus plural asci nuclear fusion meiosis ascospores a Ascomycetes Important plant pathogens i ii bread yeast The yeast unicellular Saccharomyces is an Ascomycete brewers yeast and iii Spores formed in sexual reproduction form in an ascus b Monokaryotic hyphae n formed from asexual reproduction by spores conidia c Conidia External asexual reproduction by means of multi nucleate spores conidia produced on the ends of hyphae d Ascogonium contains the female nuclei that undergo cell fusion with the male nuclei e Antheridium Produce the male nuclei f Dikaryotic hyphae n n grow out of ascogonium and form ascocarp g Ascocarp the multicellular fruiting body h Ascus layer of cells in ascocarp where nuclei undergo fusion and meiosis to form ascospores i Nuclear Fusion two nuclei fuse together n n j Meiosis cell division during sexual reproduction k Ascospores n formed in ascus 7 Basidiomycetes monokaryotic hyphae hyphal fusion dikaryotic hyphae basiocarp basidium plural basidia nuclear fusion meiosis basidiospores a Basidiomycetes i ii iii iv Important plant pathogens and decay organisms Most mushrooms are Basidiomycetes Sexual reproduction by forming spores in a basidium Most have no asexual reproduction b Monokaryotic hyphae fuse at tips dikaryotic hyphae grow out fruiting body c Hyphal fusion the monokaryotic hyphae fuse to start producing dikaryotic hyphae d Dikaryotic hyphae n n formed from hyphal fusion e Basiocarp basidioma the outer cap of the mushroom that holds the basidia f Basidium 2n stalk like cells under the basidiocarp undergo meiosis until underneath basidiospores form on surface g Life cycle Basidia nuclear fusion meiosis basidiospores released monokaryotic hyphae hyphal fusion young basidioma h Basidiospores n form on top of basidium germinate and form monokaryotic hyphae 8 Know that fungi are important plant pathogens a Recycle carbon and nitrogen decomposers 9 Know that yeasts are unicellular fungi that most yeast are ascomycetes in particular bakers 10 Know that fungi certain Zygomycetes and Basidiomycetes form symbiotic associations with yeast brewers yeast is an ascomycete plant roots mycorrhizae a 70 90 plants have mycorrhizae b Mycorrhizal fungi are Zygomycetes or Basidiomycetes 11 Know that lichens are symbiotic associates between fungi usually Ascomycetes and a photosynthetic green alga or a Cyanobacterium Objectives for Lecture 17 1 Understand the difference between primary and secondary endosymbiosis and be able to state which of the algal groups we studied have chloroplasts that arose by primary or by secondary endosymbiosis a Primary endosymbiosis first host absorbs cyanobacteria chloroplast for b Secondary endosymbiosis second host absorbs first host containing cyanobacteria endosymbiosis i Green alga plant ii Red alga i Diatoms ii Dinoflagellates iii Brown algae iv Cryptomonad 2 Know what phytoplanktons are and what the biological and ecological importance is a Phytoplankton i Many algae are planktonic ii Tiny photosynthetic organisms suspended in the water column iii base of food chain in open oceans iv produce about 30 of atmospheric O2 v Phytoplankton absorbs ca half anthropogenic CO2 by producing CaCO3 3 Know what red tides are what organisms cause them and what their environmental and health effects are a Red color in ocean caused by blooms of dinoflagellates b Produce neurotoxins that kill fish paralyze people 4 Be able to name the polysaccharides from the red and brown algae that are economically important as emulsifying agents colloidal stabilizers and thickening agents a Alginates Used as thickening agents colloid stabilizers in food textile cosmetic pharmaceutical paper and welding industries 5 Understand the terms gametic meiosis zygotic meiosis alternation of generations gametophyte and sporophyte a Gametic meiosis i Diploid zygote develops into diploid individual ii Individual produces diploid cells that undergo meiosis to form haploid gametes iii Haploid gametes fuse during fertilization to form diploid zygote iv animals protists algae b Zygotic meiosis i Haploid individuals produce gametes that undergo fertilization ii Produce zygote that undergoes meiosis to form spores capable of development into adults without fusion with another cell c Alternation of generations i Gametophytes produce haploid gametes that fuse to form zygote ii Develops into diploid sporophyte that produces spore iii Diploid spore undergoes meiosis to form haploid spores iv Spores develop into gametophytes d Gametophyte haploid gamete producing generation e Sporophyte diploid spore producing generation 6 For each of the groups of algae dinoflagellates diatoms brown algae and red algae know what their distinguishing characteristics are in terms of whether they are unicellular or multicellular what their mode of nutrition is and what photosynthetic pigments they have what their cell wall is composed of where they are found fresh vs salt water whether they

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