METO 200 WEATHER AND CLIMATE QUIZ 1 Feb 9 2012 MULTIPLE CHOICE Circle your answer Which one of the following is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere a Oxygen b Argon c Carbon dioxide fitrogii e Hydrogen a Respiration 5iiotosynt Js c Decomposition d Combustion e Volcanic activity 3 The tropopause a Is named after the tropics b Lies above the mesosphere Ts detemined b 4 chang cid 9 sure e boundary between the troposphere and the s tratosp here e Is a region where thetempefaturedecr erWiTh altitude 2 Of the following activities which one reduces the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere advection and radiation Describe using examples how the atmosphere transfers heat using these processes Which are the most important 77 1 v cid 9 7 a t cid 9 14l1 C cid 9 71Z 1e cid 9 c 7L4 o cid 9 A0 Vek cid 9 of o 4j cid 9 n cid 9 Z cid 9 i cid 9 cid 9 vs cid 9 Al JJ cid 9 cid 9 c o cid 9 O 4 1 cid 9 cid 9 L SS cid 9 1 1 cid 9 cid 9 4 4 P4 fl LL cid 9 4 cid 9 5 I S I C cid 9 75Z j I i cid 9 7ZL2 cid 9 A Lt S cid 9 L J cid 9 v i cid 9 77 p cid 9 0 cid 9 p s cid 9 4 cid 9 2 cid 9 i cid 9 cid 9 s cid 9 1 I
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