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ITE 115 9 9 13 Microprocessors 1971 present 1971 first e mail sent 1972 Intel 8008 8 bit words Expand number of bits and bytes can be received Uppercase and lower case letters 1975 Altair 8800 Bill Gates and Paul Allen work on software for Altair 8800 Personal computer First successful mass produced personal computer 1976 Apple 1 First Apple product Made of wood Has keyboard 1977 Apple II Power Game board Case TRS 80 First desktop computer Released by Radio Shack Video display Basic programming language 1979 Atari 400 and 800 Hook up computer to gaming system 1979 first portable computer 1982 Compaq 4 1 MB 22 lbs Commodore 64 64K ram Better graphics Cray 1983 Lisa Super computer Fastest most powerful most expensive computer in the world For large calculations Introduced by Apple First personal computer with user interface Black and white monitor 5 MB hard drive Windows Pop up windows Mouse 1984 Macintosh ITE 115 9 9 13 More affordable than Lisa Paint application Word processor 1987 IBM PS 2 Videographic array OS2 operating system 1988 NeXT computer Steve Jobs left Apple for NeXT Overall failure Colored screen Ran slowly Optical storage drive Voice recognition 1990s laptops PCs Smaller sleeker More affordable Faster Present Personal computer Desktop computer Powers monitors mouse speakers Work station More computing power More scientific calculations Data analysis Laptop notebook portable Tablet Servers Share resources Embedded systems Phones TVs microwaves PDA smart phones Internet Experiment of network Began as text only system some video some pictures some sound Wide area network 1969 Arpanet First packaging network For education and defense Operating system Windows 1 0 1982 1985 Execute DAWS command with mouse click Ability to switch between programs Windows 2 0 1987 1992 Windows on top of each other Improved speed and usability ITE 115 9 9 13 Desktop icons Control panel Windows 3 0 1990 1994 Improved use of virtual memory Less pixelated more visually pleasing Software installed via floppy disk Windows NT 1990 1994 Business operating system Windows 95 Included first version of plug and play Built in internet support Better networking Upgrade with CD or CD ROM Supposed to be more user friendly BOB Failure Windows 98 2000 ME 98 designed for consumers 2000 designed for businesses ME home computer version of personal computer system restore Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 More virus protection security network protection Home professional tablet media center editions Security data protection data encryption Focus towards wireless world One of first touch interfaces High quality when released Windows 8 Touch oriented Applications

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NOVA ITE 115 - Microprocessors

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