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METO 200 WEATHER AND CLIMATE MIDTERM EXAM March 8 2012 Total number of points is 100 MULTIPLE CHOICE Each question is worth 2 points Circle the correct answer 1 This measures wind speed a anemometer rmomeer c psychrometer d hygrometer e barometer 2 When prevailing winds push an air parcel up the side of a mountain a its relative humidity decreases b it warms e all of the above on the far side of the mountain 3 High solar zenith angles result in reduced solar energy because a energy is spread over a larger area b sun earth distance is greater c atmospheric path length is longer d absorption is reduced uum ajan 4 The Drimarv cause of the earth s seasons is I inclination of earth s rotational axis bvarying orbital speed c varying distance from the sun d regular changes in radiation emitted by the sun temperature and humidity gi and iidity Dressure gradient and Cori lj viscosity and turbulence on1y gravity 5 Neglecting friction the speed and direction of the horizontal wind are determined by 6 On the average for every 1 km increase in altitude in the troposphere the air temperature 4 Iaros about 6 5E cid 9 wika fop tie i cid 9 an Vara 1JJ 1rit I 102811 J nr U b type ot weamer elements measured c temperature scale used d measuring technique used 8 The earth emits terrestrial radiation a only at night y over the continents 9 Most water vapor comes from a rivcri and ifiHs c falling rain and 3n0 w d rcpfrationfron living organism he be 10 On a weather map a red line with red semi circles indicates 11 cid 9 is a mechanism of heat transfer eodfmrir armfront if ont 44 time zones a conduction b convection c radiation all of the above e none of the a ove 12 Relative humidity a is independent of saturation vapor pressure b is independent of vapor pressure C61 is 00 present for saturat d ohaiigoo swamic is Qf1ift1 igniian fer metssrlegis swami rf thc cid 9 Ji 13 During the process of adiabatic cooling the temperature decreases because the air has a lost heat to the colder air at higher altitudes viii a b abot4 ynL a 4 ghr foi hours fta st before s 15 According to the Stefan Boltzmann Law the amount of energy emitted by an object is proportional to the power of its temperature in degrees Kelvin a first b 1 U U fl IN I QUESTIONS I AND PROBLEMS NUMBER 01 POINTS FOR EACH SHOWN AS TO GET FULL MARKS YOU MUST EXPLAIN EACH OF YOUR ANSWERS WRITE YOUR ANSWERS BELOW THE QUESTIONS 1 10 Describe an example of each of the following weather instruments and the weather parameter that they measure a Thermometer b Barometer c Hygromete STUDENT NAME 2 12 Describe the carbon dioxide cycle Identify the sources and sinks You may use diagrams KqeWO ISTIOW40 W 1 4g cid 9 4i 1r1 cid 9 OF 7 1 cid 9 1 ftA P A I Mgt W WA A cid 9 qr 2IJTSuruU II rjy I cid 9 Jill cid 9 1111 MkTliiil P446W III 0 MAa cid 9 JIM Plya O Miff cid 9 4 47 4V MOP cid 9 J LOOP 4 p4 kib cid 9 PNI 3 cid 9 At cid 9 I J1 f r cid 9 V c 4 k A cid 9 cid 9 3 14 Snow sleet freezing rain and rain are all examples precipitation associated th thepasage of a bf p warm front in winter Describe with the aid of diagrams the temperature profile necessary for the production of each type of precipitation ci 00 cid 9 Ll ZO cid 9 O1 cid 9 O l cid 9 o c c 4w 41 L J t F cid 9 cid 9 L I cid 9 I 6 i cid 9 2jPc 1 DC e t ga cid 9 ro k 9tA k ot J ct cyvakaU At dkLf d6 PCC1vAe ti L k 4 Li iC C v i SO yTtt 41Anio cid 9 yfe ts yc 2M tie C111y cid 9 S Jr cid 9 CObL4tt1 ci t ex cid 9 F cid 9 L yoJit frO k ft Cp k ti a S k ef e yc ba i Vt cid 9 v 6 vtel I UL EIN I 1Nt1VIi cid 9 3 coa cr I f i i cid 9 1 fr cid 9 3 PIC n S k 4jm t g cid 9 4 c I 41 rz 4 A C A ZAle 4f cid 9 a I c 4 14 If we examine the mean annual energy budgef over the Earth then there is an energy defkit at the north and south poles and an energy surplus at the equator Explain what is meant by the terms energy deficit and energy surplus However the temperature of the earth is in equilibrium What processes move the difference in the net energy from the equator to the poles 1T cid 9 I I cid 9 I cid 9 r cid 9 1I trnrth cid 9 rt cid 9 I I cid 9 I cid 9 Li tL e v 4 s 4 cid 9 ou I4kF i cid 9 o cid 9 9 c cid 9 ca cid 9 4 o cid 9 o koV o c o cr iti r L 9 ttS cid 9 bcea4 Lcbe kt4J Ca 4 Z ti o lOr V cid 9 t a4t c 01 cid 9 ath cid 9 p cid 9 F cid 9 S 10 0 K 1 h OtX j 5 L J kA C cid 9 OsI p cid 9 v c L FLt I Q cid 9 cid 9 o4kc tt u j4 jz S u vt C oci S w t cid 9 I OLLA C 1j Qk 4t t cid 9 po k cid 9 C iC4 cid 9 L cid 9 I M VAAJ Wdb at I ow V p1t cQt I v t to1 c I cid 9 frWt tvfr a t v cid 9 4 4 L IIIC 4t 4k 4t ea koY cid 9 Jwy cid 9 cid 9 t LOLAJJ i4L o 4 qC C i VIC si cid 9 Otv cid 9 C 0 cid 9 AA Noiij 4L 1 4 nt oft 7 I U o 6 O16CL4 V cid 9 cid 9 6 STUDENT NAME cid 9 Lijj 5 14 Explain with diagrams the terms absolutely stable atmosphere and absolutely unstable atmosphere What is a temperature inversion Why is the atmosphere at a temperature inversion so stable cid 9 P b plw464 S CL6i fA6NOMA WIA4XI cid 9 I cid 9 A f f1 k4C k cid 9 t 0 C AiA cid 9 h01t4kI 41A cid 9 iL t cid 9 44 kd ypvvweM tcac cid 9 LW S L 2 04 LZ D cid 9 0 6 4 14 qV 1 L I av poa I L 3 cid 9 i tv cid 9 Cf tbOb 1 0 cid 9 0 cid 9 t c c …

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