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ODD CD similarities in both emotional and behavioral regulation ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder more prevalent in boys onset in preschool and precedes CD ODD CD APD angry irritable mood argumentative defiant behavior vindictiveness Symptoms last 6 months four symptoms from 1 category under 5 behavior occurs most days over 5 behavior occurs once a week aggressive to people and animals violating rights of others Conduct Disorder usually seen in older kids 3 symptoms over 12 months destruction of property deceitfulness or theft Symptoms vary with age increased physical strength cognitive abilities sexual maturity Fault is placed on everyone else Explaining ODD CD influence ODD CD multifinality ODD CD Depression Anxiety Treatment better to treat parent and child Comorbidity Issues ADHD Depression Anxiety PTSD Options Home Based Behavioral usually ODD 1 psychoeducation 2 observation and monitoring 3 reinforcement of prosocial behavior 4 simple effective commands 5 discipline unacceptable behavior Adolescents with CD are extensively involved with the law Adopted children with antisocial biological fathers are more likely to develop the disorder genetic influences correlations contribute to ODD CD genetic factors Parental factors such as maternal responsiveness low infant fearfulness predict later conduct problems insecurely attached infants is basis for later social behavior substance abusing parents excessive conflict within family Neurobiological factors are interrelated such as decrease in punishment sensitivity and reward sensitivity and cognitive control Pathway Models escalation model cid 127 Overt minor aggression physical fighting violence bullying annoying Covert shoplifting lying before age 15 property damage delinquency hidden Authority Conflict stubborn defiance against authority authority avoidance truancy running away staying out late before age 12 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 6 supervision monitoring 7 generalization to other environments 8 communication strategies Blanket Wrap deescalate behavior 1 used in combination based on age developmental level and severity of symptoms Other Interventions Socially oriented CBT play skills friendship and conversation academic behavior control strategies Behaviorally oriented CBT problem solving self control self statements empathy perspective talking Anger management cid 127 Medication and inpatient hospitalization cid 127 cid 127 cid 127

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DREXEL PSY 225 - Conduct Disorder

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