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Need to know lecture 25 and 26 Observations of vapor pressure as a function of temperature look at this slide when relative humidy reaches 100 dew point What are positive and negative feedbacks Positive climate feedback ex Artic sea Lecture 24 positive change in variable increase in temperatue can lead to Increase in water vapor increased greenhouse effect traps stuff and brings in back down to ground and creates a cycle Negative start with positive increased temperature increased water vapor more clouds increased albedo less solar radiation reaches surface because clouds reflect back to space the radiation so it doesn t heat surface lowered surface temperature Fronts Lecture 17 Different types of fronts Cold front Cold air behind warm air ahead Convergence at front Warm air mass clashes with cold air mass cumulous clouds heavy precipitation Warm front Lighter rain moderate steady precipitation fog stratus nimbo stratus Warm front on left and there is gentle rising of air above cool air Occluded continental boiler air mass and maritime air mass where 2 meet then have cold front that is dying out low pressure will go above still rain but in process of dying out one of weather patterns that gives rise 2 fronts then lingers around for a front Acid Rain burining of fossil fuelds coal and petroleum products releases about 43 millions tons of sulfur and nitrogen oxides into atmosphere over the US every year nox no and no2 and sulfuric acid from cars powerplants lighting reacts with water and ph of rain water well below that of regular water leads to decredation of lime stone bad for fish bad for plants worse in downstream of powerplants bad in northeast and mid atlantic acid rain only occurs when it rains associated with where it is likely to rain more happens where air is lifted up and create precipitation Daily Oxone cycle morning sunrise lowest ozone and evening highest ozone sunset peaks around 3 4 pm And then sun starts to set and deposition takes over and there is a decrease ozone goes into plants at night so once sun rises then there is photochemical reactants this is assuming source is local photochemistry but if you bring in ozone from outside then this pattern isn t true because there is mixing Methods used to detect past climate change Lect 23 Detecting climate change know how to use each different type of mechanisms if its not that long ago then use historical documents includes paintings too glacial ice can go back a few hundred years look at climate clues table tree rings explain trees at mid latitude have more cells in summer than in the winter distinct bands width of tree ring environmental conditions at that time pollen records ice sheets most important used for climate tiny bubbles of air are trapped in ice and can be analyzed to determine atmospheric composition look at co2 and methane and then we can figure out levels at that time lecture 22 kind of confused but he described a picture with different colors know why set up as A B C D A B C corresponds to 3 convective cells Ekman Spiral second level of ozone is dragged along by the top layer by a frictional force change in direction of current happens because wind then friction and coriolis cause change of direction of current then this keeps happening as you go down until you reach 90 degrees Ekman transport as you come down this force gets weaker and weaker wind interacts with surface and pushes surface along but then ocean acquires velocity and then friction and and coriolis act on it and then black area is the direction it actually moves then layer below friction between top surface and second layer red area in 2nd layer black arrow in 1st layer then coriolis acts on it and it moves and rotates again ex Off of coast of California Ekman transport away from shore line leads to planctom being formed and more fish come lecture Weather forecasting Folklore Persistence weather tomorrow will be the same as weather today 2 out of 3 times BUT behind cold front you have 1 2 days of pretty much same area but on third day usually different because of low pressure systems Climatology this takes persistence one step further the average weather say for a particular month is the same each year cold in December hot in july why does it go wrong persistence doesn t work with cold front coming through weather conditions that cause air pollution events to occur in our area in Baltimore Washington lecture 26 need hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides sunlight warm temperatures higher temp faster rate peak ozone when temperature highest 3 pm need sun hot temperatures westerly transport inversions inversion traps pollution near surface and have more high pressure system located in south southeast where we have westerly transport to this area and they photochemically react in this area pollution happens here instead of in ohio and these areas where pollution begins OHIO and west are in ohio and in west out of site and out of mind put it high in sky we need sun and hot temperatures because reactions occur in hot smog smoke and fog around here we have photochemical smog don t need to know chemistry need to know SMOG chart how does weather affect amount of smog atmospheric conditions and smog absolutely related

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