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Fungal and Invertebrate Webquest Answer sheet Fall 2020 Name Nimi Vasipalli Lab SecAon 001E Be sure to refer to the images on the lab website when answering these questions Question 1 refer to website image Below is an image of the Death Angel or Destroying Angel mushroom Amanita ocreata While it looks similar to some other edible wild mushrooms it is quite deadly to eat a Name the phylum where you would place this organism 0 5 pt a Phylum basidiomycota b Upon what characteristic can you see here to base your decision 0 5 pt a Characteristics it looks like a mushroom which are fungi which would be either basidiomycota or acsomycota b Then for the difference between the two phylums ascomycota is sac fungi and basidiomycota is club fungi which is what the Death Angel mushroom is shaped like c What toxin does this mushroom contain and how does this toxin ultimately kill those who eat it 1 pt a The toxin that this mushroom has is called amatoxin b This kills those who eat it because it inhibits RNA polymerase II and III Question 2 While the first antibiotic was made from the fungus Penicillium some species of Penicillium have been found to produce cholesterol lowering compounds Name 1 of the species of Penicillium give the full scientific name written properly that produces such compounds 0 5 pt each a Scientific name Penicillium citrinum makes blue cheese blue yielded vastation which is the first statin or cholesterol lowering compound to be identified b Why are these compounds important These compounds are important because if you have high cholesterol you can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels which puts you at a higher risk of blood disease This is why these compounds are important if you want to lower you risks of high cholesterol Fungal and Invertebrate Webquest Answer sheet Fall 2020 Name Nimi Vasipalli Lab SecAon 001E Question 3 When making brie or camembert cheese the initial cheese curd is packed into molds washed salted and then inoculated with a fungus The fungus will impart flavor as it further digests the young cheese and forms the rind of the cheese Name one species of fungi give the full scientific name written properly that is used in making brie In which phylum does it belong 0 5 pt each a Scientific Name Penicillium Camemberti b Phylum Ascomycota Question 4 Name one ecological role that Fungi play in the environment Explain why this is important 1 pt each One ecological role that Fungi plays in the environement is that they are recyclers They fungi break down organisms and return them into the soil This is important because they make is possible for other kingdoms to be supplies with nutrients and to live Question 5 Although lichens and slime molds are not true fungi we often study them along with fungal groups What characteristics of these groups align them with Fungi 1 pt each a Lichens the body of a lichen consists hypae fungal filaments surrounding cells of green algae b Slime molds They were originally called fungi because they produce sporangia They differ from fungi because their cells walls have cellulose rather than chitin 1 pt Question 6 a What is the mechanism that leads to coral bleaching 1 pt When corals are stressed by changes in conditions like temperature light or nutrients they expel the symbiotic algae that live in their tissues causing them to turn completely white Climate change is the leading cause of coral bleaching b Why is coral bleaching such a dire problem 1 pt Bleaching leaves corals vulnerable to diseases stunts their growth affects their reproduction and can impact other species that depend on coral communities especially since they are a keystone species Fungal and Invertebrate Webquest Answer sheet Fall 2020 Name Nimi Vasipalli Lab SecAon 001E Question 7 refer to website images All worms are not created equal nor do they belong to the same phyla a Name 2 of the worms shown above with their phylum Be sure to indicate which worm you are naming in your answer 1 pt ii millipede iii flatworm b Describe how movement differs in the 2 phyla that you labeled 2 pts Millipedes move their legs in a wave like motion from front to back Flatworms are controlled by longitudinal circular and oblique layers of muscle Others move along slime trails by beating of epidermal cilia Question 8 refer to website image Crinoids do not look much like the other organisms in their phylum 0 5 pt each a To what phylum do they belong Echinodermata b Name one key reason why they are placed in this phylum and not in another group Crinoid posses a cup shaped body and five or more flexible and active arms which contain the reproductive organs Question 9 Your textbook divides the phylum Arthropoda into 4 major Classes Chelicerata Crustasea Hexapoda and Myriapoda 1 pt each a Which Class is mostly aquatic was represented on the Arthropod table in the Fungi Invert lab and are abundant in many plankton samples such as what you will see in the Aquatics Communities Lab Crustasea b Give one example from this Class of Arthropoda Lobster c Describe one major characteristic that distinguishes this Class from the other three Classes Biramous Limbs Fungal and Invertebrate Webquest Answer sheet Fall 2020 Name Nimi Vasipalli Lab SecAon 001E Question 10 refer to website image The organism pictured below belongs to the phylum Mollusca 1 pt each a To which class of Mollusca does this animal belong Polyplacophora b Without any obvious limbs how does the pictured organism move Using their muscles for movement c If this organism did not have 8 shell like plates on its back dorsal side but instead may lack an exoskeleton and move using muscular arms and or a siphon for jet propulsion in which Class of Mollusc would you now place it Cephalopod

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NCSU BIO 181 - Fungal and Invertebrate Webquest Answer sheet

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