Fungal and Invertebrate Webquest Worksheet Fall 2023 Name Lab Section Instructions Use the Lab Unit 7 Website material as well as the Webquest info links Be sure to refer to the images on the Webquest when answering these questions Question 1 refer to web site webquest image The Jack O Lantern mushrooms can easily be confused with prized Chanterelle mushrooms due to their bright orange color though you should never eat wild mushrooms unless you are absolutely sure of their identity Interestingly Jack O Lantern mushrooms can bioluminescence possibly attracting nighttime insects to spread spores a Name the phylum where you would place this organism Bascidiomycota b Upon which characteristic seen here can you base your decision Basidiomycota fungi produce spores on specialized cells called bascidia which are found on the gills or other structures within the mushroom cap The basidiospores are ejected from the basidium allowing the spores to fall free from the mushroom and be spread c What toxin does this mushroom contain and what symptoms would you experience letting you know you are not eating Chanterelles Sesquiterpines illudin M and illudin S Some symptoms include nausea vomiting headache abdominal pain weakness and dizziness Question 2 While the first antibiotic was made from the fungus Penicillium some species of Penicillium have been found to produce cholesterol lowering compounds Name one of the species of Penicillium give the full scientific name written properly that produces such compounds a Scientific name Penicillium notatum b Why are these compounds important Penicillin was one of the first true antibiotics to become widely available Fungal and Invertebrate Webquest Worksheet Fall 2023 Name Lab Section Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 When making brie or camembert cheese the initial cheese curd is packed into molds washed salted and then inoculated with a fungus The fungus will impart flavor as it further digests the young cheese and forms the rind of the cheese Name one species of fungi give the full scientific name written properly that is used in making brie In which phylum does it belong a Scientific Name Penicillium camemberti b Phylum Ascomycota Name one ecological role that Fungi play in the environment Explain why this is important Fungi are decomposers meaning that they break down complex organic molecules and cycle nutrients in ecosystems This is important so that nutrients are available for plants to grow Although lichens and slime molds are not true fungi we often study them along with fungal groups What characteristics of these groups align them with Fungi a Lichens lichen forms a network of hyphae resembling the structure of a fungi b Slime molds slime molds produce spores from the sporangia which are dispersed to new habitats similarly to fungi Question 6 a What is the mechanism that leads to coral bleaching Coral bleaching occurs when zooxanthellae are expelled from coral due to physical stress The coral relies on the zooxanthellae for essential nutrients and without them they lose their color and risk death Fungal and Invertebrate Webquest Worksheet Fall 2023 Name Lab Section c Why is coral bleaching such a dire problem Coral reefs are incredibly diverse ecosystems so many species are affected by the loss of them Question 7 refer to web site webquest image All worms are not created equal nor do they belong to the same phyla a Name the worms shown above with their phylum Be sure to indicate which worm you are naming in your answer i ii iii i ii iii Nematode Annelida Platyhelminthes b Describe how movement differs in two of the phyla that you named make sure you indicate which two Platyhelminthes use a gliding motion facilitated by their cilia while annelids use crawling facilitated by their segmented body Question 8 refer to web site webquest image Crinoids do not look much like the other organisms in their phylum a To what phylum do they belong Echinodermata b Name one key reason why they are placed in this phylum and not in another group Crinoids have an endoskeleton made of calcium carbonate plates called ossicles Question 9 Most current sources divide the phylum Arthropoda into four subphyla Chelicerata Crustacea Hexapoda and Myriapoda Fungal and Invertebrate Webquest Worksheet Fall 2023 Name Lab Section a Which subphylum is mostly aquatic in both fresh and marine waters Some marine species are especially important at the base of important food chains The subphylum Crustacea b Name one example organism from this subphylum of Arthropods The American lobster Homarus americanus c Describe one major characteristic that distinguishes this subphylum from the others Crustacea have two pairs of antennae Question 10 refer to web site webquest image The organism pictured below belongs to the phylum Mollusca a To which class of Mollusca does this animal belong Polyplacophora b Without any obvious limbs explain how the pictured organism moves Chiton use a large flat foot located on their ventral side to crawl and adhere to various surfaces c If this organism did not have eight shell like plates on its back dorsal side but instead possessed a spiral or coiled shaped exoskeleton and moved with a muscular foot in which Class of Mollusca would you now place it It would be placed in the Gastropod class because they have coiled or spiral shells and use a muscular foot to move
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