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Chapter 5 Planning 1 Planning and Strategy a Planning Strategy and Strategic Management b Planning Coping with Uncertainty c Strategy Setting Long Term Direction d Strategic Management e Why Are Planning and Strategic Management Important f Planning and Strategic Management g Providing Direction and Momentum h Encouraging New Ideas i Developing a Sustainable Competitive Advantage j Mission Vision and Value Statements 2 Fundamentals of Planning a Three Types of Planning for Three Levels of Management 3 Goals Plans a Long Term and Short Term Goals b The Operating Plan and Action Plan c Standing Plans and Single Use Plans 4 Promoting Consistencies in Goals SMART Goals Management by Objectives and Goal Cascading a SMART Goals b Relationship Between Goal Difficulty and Performance c Management by Objectives The Four Step Process for Motivating Employees d Three Types of Objectives Used in MBO e Cascading Goals Making Lower Level Goals Align with Top Goals f The Importance of Deadlines 5 The Planning Control Cycle 6 Chapter 8 Culture and Structure 1 Aligning Strategy Culture and Structure How to Stand Out in a New Job Fitting into an Organization s Culture in the First 60 Days Southwest Airline Video Case Organizational Culture The Shared Assumptions That Affect How Work Gets Done Drivers and Flow of Organizational Culture Organizational Structure Who Reports to Whom and Who Does What 2 What Kind of Organizational Culture Will You Be Operating In Three levels of Organizational Culture Four Types of Organizational Culture Competing Values Framework The Importance of Culture 3 What Does It Mean to Fit Anticipating a Job Interview How do employees learn culture 4 Organizational Structure The Organization Three Types The Organization Chart Strong Organization Culture Vs Weak Organizational Culture Common Elements of an Organization by Edgar Schein Common Elements of an Organization Three more elements 5 Basic Types of Organizational Structures Organizational Design Simple Structure Functional Structure Divisional Structure Structure The Horizontal Design Chapter 9 Human Resource Management 1 a b c d e f Strategic human resource management Human Resource Management Social capital human capital Job analysis specification description human resource inventory The Strategic HRM Process Understanding Current Employee Needs Predicting Future Employee Needs 2 a b c d e f Recruitment and Selection Internal and External Recruiting Advantages and Disadvantages Which External Recruiting Methods Work Best Selection How to Choose the Best Person for the Job Interviewing Unstructured Interviewing Structured Realistic job preview 3 a b 4 a b c d e f g h Orientation Learning and Development Types of Learning and Development Orientation and onboarding Incentives Promotion Benefits Legal Requirements of HRM Legal Compensation and Benefits Legal Health and Safety Legal Equal Employment Opportunity Workplace Discrimination Affirmative Action Sexual Harassment Bullying 5 performance appraisal a Different types of Performance Appraisal b Who Should Make Performance Appraisals c Forced Ranking Grading on a Curve d Effective Performance Feedback Chapter 13 Groups and Teams 2 Group and Team Types a Define and recognize the types teams and groups used in organizations b What are the advantages of each team type c Difference between team and group 3 Five Stage Model of Group Development Tuckman a Know the stages in order b Recognize the characteristics that define each stage c Remember the Lord of the ring Video Examples to better recognize each step 4 Norms and Conformity a Be able to recognize an example of a team enforcing norms on its members b Team Roles c Team Norms 5 Groupthink a Know the symptoms of groupthink be able to recognize an example of group think occurring b Understand how the enabling conditions make groupthink more likely c Be able to list and understand the remedies for groupthink a b c d Conflict Types and Management Be able to list and recognize the five techniques to handle conflict Know different types and levels of conflict and how they affect performance Relationship Between Intensity of Conflict and Performance Outcomes

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