NAU BIO 205L - Simonovic_Kristina_MWA1_Q3&4

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Kristina Simonovic BIO305W Sec 15 Peter Chuckran 6 Sept 2017 QUESTION 3 REFERENCES Bron S Meima R Maarten van Dijl J Wipat A Harwood C 2013 Molecular Biology and Genetics of Bacillus species Wiley 1 1 4 49 Morales D Vargas M M de Oliveira M P Taffe B L Comin J Soares CR Lovato P 2016 Response of soil microbiota to nine year application of swine manure and urea Ci ncia Rural 46 2 260 266 Van Der Heijden M Bardgett R Van Straalen N 2007 The unseen majority soil microbes as drivers of plant diversity and productivity in Terrestrial ecosystems Eco Letters 11 3 296 310 Wang L Tuo Y Chunxiu G Fugui H Fangling W Tao S Yinhua Z 2015 Research progress of soil microbiology Agric Science Tech 16 11 2367 2371 Wei W Mi S Wanshun L Bin Z 2008 Purification and characterization of a psychrophilic catalase from Antarctic Bacillus Canadian Journal Of Microbio 54 10 823 828 QUESTION 4 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Van Der Heijden M Bardgett R Van Straalen N 2007 The unseen majority soil microbes as drivers of plant diversity and productivity in Terrestrial ecosystems Eco Letters 11 3 296 310 This peer reviewed journal explains the impact that soil microbes have on the ecosystem Microbes are typically thought to have a negative effect on their host however there are many benefits to having bacteria in the soil It has the ability to enrich nutrients in soil while maintaining diversity in the ecosystem Microbes can also act as pathogens and feed on the plants nutrients depriving the plants of it s needs As a result the plant becomes dependent upon this symbiotic relationship between the microbe and plant and the microbe plays a crucial role in the plants survival Both the positive and negative effects contribute to the importance of microbes living in soil Wang L Tuo Y Chunxiu G Fugui H Fangling W Tao S Yinhua Z 2015 Research progress of soil microbiology Agric Science Tech 16 11 2367 2371 This article suggests that microbes are helping to restore the ecosystem There are many benefactors to having microbes in soil For instance microbes facilitate decomposition of organic matter resulting in enriched soil and exponential plant growth Specific microbes including cellulose decomposing microbes are seen to increase nutrients in soil which is of great economic and ecological importance This in turn creates new species of plants that inhabit the earth This research is very important on a global scale and needs to be further continued as time progresses

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NAU BIO 205L - Simonovic_Kristina_MWA1_Q3&4

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