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Lab 1 Organs Systems and Organization of the Body Microscopy Tissues Name Section Date 1 In anatomical position the eyes are and the palms of the hand are facing 2 In anatomical terms the pectoral region is to the scapular region 3 The stomach is found in what specific cavity 4 Pain in the appendix would be felt in what quadrant of the abdomen 5 If the ocular lens is 10x what would be the total magnification for the following objective lenses b 10x a 5x c 45x 6 When you switch from a low power objective lens to a higher power objective lens what happens to the working space between the lens and the slide 7 How should you clean the lenses of a microscope 8 Label the microscope to the right 9 List the four main tissue types of the body 10 What is a basement membrane 11 What functional problem could occur if the stomach and small intestine were lined with stratified squamous epithelium instead of simple columnar epithelium 12 What is the extracellular matrix in blood called 13 How do you distinguish between epithelium and connective tissue openout10x 50x10x 100x10x 450xepithelial connective muscle nervousplasmaepithelium has high cell countoccular lenseheadarmfocusbaselightstagestage clipobjective lensrevolving nose piecethin layers of a specialized extracellular matrixdistilled water and clothwork space gets smallerright lower quadrantabdominal cavityanteriorit would not absorb as much as columnar so one could die from not absorbing enough nutrients Lab 1 Organs Systems and Organization of the Body Microscopy Tissues 14 20 Complete the following table Each tissue type epithelial and connective appears only once Tissue Type Microscopic Appearance Location Function Binds bones together or muscle to bone Provides strength and resists stress and strain against tearing Absorption secretion and protection Lungs lining of blood vessels Respiratory passages Bladder ureter urethra Tunica media of arteries Reticular C T Large pale open cells with nuclei near periphery of cell Simple cuboidal epi Scattered arrangement of collagenous fibers with elastic and reticular fibers along with many cells immune or protective Many layers cells cuboidal but flatten toward surface Squamous cells apically but basal layers vary from cuboidal to columnar centrally located nuclei dense reg ctsimple squamous epiadipose tissuepseudostrati ed columnar epidense irreg cttransitional epiareolar ctsimple columnar epielastic tissuestrati ed squamous epitightly packed with wavy collagen berssingle layer of attened cellsreticular bers arranged around organ cellaappears strati ed but all cells touch basement membranerandomly organized densley packed collagen bersnumerous layers that appear cubodial attened appearence stretchedcube or wedge shaped cells in single layercolumn like axis nuclei positioned in base broblasts with collagen bers and elastin proteinsligaments and tendonslymph nodes spleen thymus kidneybreast tissue internal organsdermis around bone cartilageliver and kidney tubulesinternal organs muscle fat layersstomach intestine uteran tubesoral cavity epidermis vaginasecretion of serous uidsinternal architecture for small organsstorage of energy and protectionmucus secretionstretching of tissue bladder secretion and absorbtionbind tissue and insulateallows tissue to stretch return to regular sizeabrasion resistant prote cts against microbial infections

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NAU BIO 205L - Lab 1: Organs, Systems, and Organization of the Body; Microscopy; Tissues

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