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Name TA s Name Date Lab Section L A B O R ATO R Y R U L E S In this laboratory students will be working with bacteria that are pathogenic for humans and animals The safety of each student is dependent upon the strict observance of laboratory rules Exhibition of carelessness by a student that may endanger the well being of others will result in the dismissal of that student from the class The following rules MUST be observed Each rule MUST BE INITIALED 1 Always wear a laboratory coat when working in the laboratory 2 SMOKING EATING AND DRINKING ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE LABORATORY 3 Cell phones may never be used in the laboratory during scheduled lab times or open hours 4 Familiarize yourself completely with the details of each experiment before coming to the laboratory 5 The microscope made available to you is a precise and delicate instrument that should be handled with care If your microscope is not in good working condition consult your instructor 6 LABEL EVERYTHING that needs to be labeled LEGIBLY with name date and experiment 7 Always flame sterilize loops both BEFORE and AFTER using Assume the inoculating needle or loop is contaminated until it is sterilized in the flame If your hands become contaminated with infectious material rinse well with disinfectant solution and follow with a thorough scrubbing with soap and water 8 Accidents are inevitable If the floor or table top is contaminated by infectious material NOTIFY THE INSTRUCTOR 9 In case of injury notify the instructor immediately 10 Not all the bacteria in a fixed smear on a slide may be dead Discard all used microscope slides in trays to be autoclaved Do not try to clean and reuse them 11 Place all contaminated materials to be sterilized in appropriately designated containers 12 Put paper and other non contaminated waste material into the wastebasket Do NOT discard paper cotton swabs or cover slips in the sinks 13 Place culture tubes securely in tube racks Never lay culture tubes on the desk or lean them in a precarious position against a fixture 14 High speed photography shows that applying bacterial suspensions onto slides with a loop mixing bacteria with water on a slide preparatory to fixing and staining all produce aerosols containing living bacteria 15 Cultures must not be removed from the laboratory by students under any circumstances 16 Coats and other materials other than laboratory exercises are not to be placed on the lab tables They may be hung on hooks or placed on the shelf provided 17 Please notify your laboratory instructor before each lab session of unavoidable absences 18 YOU MUST WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP AND WATER UPON ARRIVING AND BEFORE LEAVING THE LABORATORY 19 Do not leave the lab at any time without first removing gloves and washing hands 20 Students must wear long pants and closed toed shoes at all times in the lab 21 NOTE Because of the nature of microbiology you will be expected to work outside of your scheduled laboratory hours A culture may require 18 24 72 hours of growth necessitating examination of bacterial cultures at times other than at regularly scheduled lab periods L a b o r a t o r y P r o t o c o l a n d S a f e t y vii Christian Romero1 13 2022Anita Meins116CR CR CRCR CRCR CRCR CRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCR CR

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NAU BIO 205L - Lab Rules

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