ATP H2O ADP Pi G change in G 7 3 kcal mol exergonic The energy released from reaction 1 ATP hydrolysis can provide the energy for reaction 2 The overall change in G Is still negative R Group Polar and nonpolar When there is an R group with an NH2 it is polar and hydrophilic Ex Glutamine Notes Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide NAD is a coenzyme found in all living cells Oxidized form Reduced form NAD is involved in redox reactions A redox or oxidation reduction reaction involves the transfer of electrons TIP LEO the lion goes GER LEO Loose electrons Oxidize GER Gain electrons Reduce Example 2H2 O2 2H2O Hydrogen is oxidized and Oxygen is reduced In Biology oxidation is losing hydrogen atoms and reduction is gaining hydrogen atoms NADH is the electron carrier Reduction gain of electrons Oxidation gain of hydrogen loss of electrons double bond to single bond loss of hydrogen NAD to NADH single bond to double bond NADH to NAD Clicker Question NADH A Accepts electrons from other molecules becoming oxidized B Oxidizes other molecules by giving them an electron C Donates electrons to other molecules reducing them D Is oxidized E No idea Clicker Question Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate A Oxidizes NAD to NADH B Reduces NADH to NAD C Oxidizes NADH to NAD D Reduces NAD to NADH Clicker Question Vitamin C is an anti oxidant it reduces other chemicals prevents them from remaining oxidized To do this it needs to have an electron to give away Once vitamin C gives away its electoron it can t do its job Luckily we get enough vitamin C through our diet usually And we recycle vitamin C by giving an electron hydrogen back to it What chemical might be used to help recycle vitamin C A NADH B NAD C ATP D ADP Clicker Question This shows the final step in the production of cholesterol an important membrane lipid A NADPH reduces cholesterol to 7 dehydrocholesterol B NADPH is oxidized by 7 dehydrocholesterol to NADP C NADP oxidizes cholesterol D Cholesterol reduces 7 dehydrocholesterol Clicker Question Which half of the coupled reaction is exergonic A Trick question that applies to ATP B NADPH losing its electron C 7 dehydrocholesterol gaining an electron D NADP gaining an electron E Cholesterol gaining an electron Energy required for assembly of molecules Ultimate source for life on Earth Sun Cellular currency of energy ATP Reducing Power for electron exchange and chemical bonds Ultimate source for life on earth H O 2 Cellular currency of reducing power NADH
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