OSU ANTH 210 - Cambodia Slides

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1 4 14 1 1 4 14 Khmer Empire Angkor City King Jayavarman VII 1181 1219 Early Cambodian History Dance 1 Classical Performed at large events Hand Gestures have meaning 2 Example Folk Dance Village or stage dance 3 Fishing dance Coconut shell dance Social Dance Circle or artistic dance Weddings Sword Dance Cambodian Traditional Culture Verbal performances Rhymes Competition show how intelligent you are Riddles Father testing daughter s boyfriend if clever can come up with answer testing each other Poetry Shows that one is very well educated literacy Use of metaphors Cambodian Traditional Culture 2 1 4 14 Capital moved from Angkor to Phnom Penh French colonial rule since 1863 Political hierarchy infected the entire population Anti imperialist sentiments start to take root Cambodian History King Elite Religious teachers Government officials Merchants Artisans Peasants Slaves Pre 19th Century Stratification 1 Prince Royal Family Elite Government military religious officials Provincial Administrators Business owners Professionals Clerical workers Teachers Shop Keepers District Chiefs Sub district Chiefs Village Chiefs Peasants Post 19th Century Stratification 1 3 1 4 14 1953 54 Cambodia gains independence from France Prince Sihanouk 1960 becomes Head of State Plays balancing act with US and China Breaks off ties with US in 1965 1966 cultural revolution in China Tries to reconnect with US 20th Century Cambodian History 1970 Lon Nol takes control US bombs Cambodia 1969 1973 540K tons of bombs dropped Population of Phnom Penh goes from 600K in 1970 to 2 million by 1972 20th Century Cambodian History In response to Nol s takeover Sihanouk turns to Khmer Rouge the dominant Communist group led by Pol Pot and backed by China 1970 1975 Cambodia is in the throes of civil war 1975 Khmer Rouge empties capital breaks back of elite kills off minorities 20th Century Cambodian History 4 1 4 14 Vietnam A Television History Cambodia and Laos Discusses Cambodian history from when Prince Sihanouk is leader to April 1975 Film 1970 Lon Nol takes control In response Sihanouk goes to Khmer Rouge dominant Communist group led by Pol Pot and backed by China 20th Century Cambodian History 1973 over 500 000 tons of bombs had been dropped and 600 000 Cambodians killed Bombings served to increase support for the Khmer Rouge April 17 1975 Khmer Rouge enter Phnom Penh 20th Century Cambodian History 5 1 4 14 20th Century Cambodian History 1975 Khmer Rouge empties capital breaks back of elite kills off minorities Proves to be one of the deadliest governments for all Cambodians Film Year Zero The Silent Death of Cambodia Year Zero The Silent Death of Cambodia Review your answers to the questions Year Zero Khmer Rouge Leader Pol Pot Born May 19 1925 as Saloth Sar 1949 gets government scholarship to study in Paris France Bio of Pol Pot 6 1 4 14 Khmer Rouge Leader Pol Pot 1953 loses scholarship returns to Cambodia to work for Kampuchean People s Revolutionary Party KPRP 1966 visits China influenced by Mao Zedongs s concept of continuous revolution 1967 takes refuge in NE Cambodia Lives with hill tribe sees this as communist ideal 1968 Khmer Rouge s Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea is formed Bio of Pol Pot Khmer Rouge take over capital April 17 1975 Pol Pot declares Year Zero and begins to purify Cambodian society Ideology was to create isolated and self sufficient Maoist agrarian state Non Cambodians were expelled embassies were closed currency was abolished Khmer Rouge Years 1976 conditions unbearable Starvation Systematically executed murdered Children separated from parents Ethnic cleansing One quarter of the population murdered Khmer Rouge Years 7 1 4 14 Khmer Rouge disrupts 3 Major elements of Cambodian culture 1 2 3 Family Village Buddhism Estimated 1 5 3 million people worked or starved to death died of disease or exposure or were executed Khmer Rouge Years Tuol Sleng Prison S 21 1978 After years of skirmishes along the border Pol Pot rejects peace initiative by Vietnam Khmer Rouge contend that S Vietnam belonged to Cambodia wanted to liberate ethnic Cambodians living there 1979 Vietnamese overthrow Khmer Rouge Khmer Rouge go into hiding yet continue fighting for years Heng Samrin becomes leader of Cambodia Khmer Rouge Years 8 1 4 14 Cambodians who fled Cambodia did so in two large waves Fleeing War 1st Wave Before Khmer Rouge took over 30 000 to 40 000 left Cambodia before 1975 Many were white collar workers Educated Were resettled in countries in 1978 Cambodian Refugees 2nd Wave During Vietnam Invasion after 1979 Not immediately given refugee status Combined with Vietnamese Laotians and Hmong Too many for neighboring countries to absorb Begin to close borders Some were forced to return to Cambodia Cambodian Refugees 9 1 4 14 Large refugee camp in Thailand Kao I Dang Described by some as a prison Attracted media attention and humanitarian aid 1975 1993 Cambodians enter U S but troubles not over Cambodian Refugees Music as a Voice Young Cambodians take up rap to express their frustrations Generational memory PraCH Ly s Song Power Territory and Rice Cambodian Refugees Cambodian Rap Represents current issues in the US Youth drawn into gang activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 Protection at school and on the street Forming friendships Make money Gaining respect Communal welfare informal support system Investment in ethnic pride and solidarity Cambodian Refugees 10 1 4 14 1996 New US Legislation Legal permanent residents sentenced for aggravated felonies faced mandatory deportation Sentenced Home follows Cambodian youth who are waitlisted for deportation Forced Deportation Instruments Bowed v Tro three string vertical spike fiddle with coconut shell body used in classical music Cambodian Traditional Culture 11 1 4 14 Plucked v v v Chapey dang feng plucked fretted lute Krapeu crocodile shaped fretted floor zither with three strings Khimm belongs to zither family but is more like a dulcimer Cambodian Traditional Culture Plucked v Kse diev chest resonated stick zither Cambodian Traditional Culture Percussion Roneat trough resonated keyboard percussion instrument generally played with two mallets and used in Khmer classical and theater music Cambodian Traditional Culture 12 1 4 14 Percussion continued v v v v Ching pair of small cymbals used to mark time Skor thom pair of large barrel drums played with sticks Sampho double sided drum Kong vong toch large gong circle Cambodian Traditional Culture Wind v Khlov vertical duct flute made of

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