UGA BIOL 1103 - CelegansFinalDraftSP11

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Rubric for FINAL draft of C elegans summary essay Assignment You have designed and completed an experiment that determined the pattern of inheritance of a particular mutation in C elegans Now write an informative scientific essay of your journey through this lab You can earn up to 30 points on this assignment Remember if you successfully completed a rough draft and received feedback from your GLA be sure to hand that draft in along with your final version Failure to resubmit this graded rough draft will result in a 10 point deduction from your final grade on the summary Also if you do resubmit the draft but failed to make any revisions a 10 point deduction from your final grade on the summary will be given Format of article Your paper should be approximately 3 5 pages in length including figures and tables Each figure and table should not take up more than half a page in length though It should be written in a general summary essay format Your draft summary paper must be typed and double spaced font size 12 and font style Times New Roman Hand written assignments will not be accepted or graded Guidelines on the different components to be addressed are given below along with the associated points Keep in mind this paper will be longer than the 2 page Carb Cutter article you wrote earlier in the semester Components to be addressed in the essay Title page with your name lab section lab time day GLA name names of group mates and the academic term earn up to 1 point Important background information keeping in mind that this paper should be interesting and relevant to a non scientist audience Assume your audience has a basic understanding of terminology related to genetics e g they understand terms such as genes alleles dominant etc What information about C elegans does your audience need in order to understand your experiment earn up to 4 points o In your background section you need to use a minimum of two outside sources of information e g web site science article Use your own words to describe ideas and information that are NOT your own and include appropriate citations earn up to 1 point You are welcome to use any citation style but keep the style consistent throughout the essay For example in text citation C elegans is an important model organism for studying a variety of subjects including nicotine dependence Feng et al November 2006 For example separate reference page C elegans is an important model organism for studying a variety of subjects including nicotine dependence 1 Include in the bibliography section 1 Feng et al November 2006 Using your experimental designs completed in class as a guideline describe your observations and knowledge of your mutation and then describe how these helped you choose all your crosses earn up to 2 points Include why you thought that these crosses would help you to achieve the objective i e pattern of inheritance of the mutation dominant recessive autosomal sex linked earn up to 2 points Include your predictions i e genotypes and phenotypes resulting from these crosses for the pattern of inheritance of the mutation as it relates to the objective Explain your reasoning using clearly labeled Punnett squares earn up to 5 points Explain how you completed your crosses This is the methods section of your essay which should be written in paragraph format It should not be very detailed since your paper is for a general audience and they will not repeat your experiment earn up to 2 points Include quantitative and qualitative results of your crosses using correctly labeled Punnett squares Also include data tables of counts of progeny earn up to 5 points Provide concluding statements where you clearly relate your results to your predictions Include any discrepancies between the two and provide plausible explanations for your results Were your predictions supported How do you know What are the greater implications of your data i e how can you apply your data to the big picture of Mendelian genetics and patterns of inheritance of genes earn up to 5 points Well organized logical flow of ideas concise neat and correct format essay font fontsize figures tables earn up to 3 points

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UGA BIOL 1103 - CelegansFinalDraftSP11

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