UGA BIOL 1103 - Carbon last unit

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Carbon 11 8 13 Attach to other atoms A major component of matter that makes up the body It s also a nutrient not a vitamin Focus on how these nutrients cycle on earth Carbon form the soil and CO2 Carbon facts cycle Animals can be terrestrial or oceanic Where do plants get their raw material sun How would you tests the hypothesis that plants get the majority of their raw material form the soil Jan van helmont s experiment Plant it on dry soil let it grow for five years transfer of mass from one thing to the other opposite If plants get raw materials from the soil and willow in a known amount of soil and allowed to grow then as plant mass increases the soil should decrease What could u conclude Not the soil Plants can be grown without soil 164 pounds of wood bark and roots arose out of water only conclusion Sun provides energy with no mass where does all of the mass that makes up plants come from air Plants made of cellulose which it s have much carbon Phytoplankton get carbon from CO2 in the water Trees are made out form the carbon the atmosphere Experiment predict the final biomass of plant material in the various treatments greater than or less than 2 g should it be put in the oven One hypothesis is that we need some water for the plants to grow so there it might be slightly larger than the 2g Sun allows the plant for photosynthesis and add to the carbon water has more mass than the sun The light and water all the mass came from the carbon form the air In order to use of the carbon in the air u need photosynthesis to get in usable form for the plants to grow 11 11 13 Energy is required to make chemical bonds for glucose which is called photosynthesis captures solar energy and stores it as chemical energy Without plants and bacteria to capture solar energy no life would exist in earth capture the light energy and stores it as chemical energy Energy poor reactants 6CO2 PLUS 12H20 REUSE AS WATER Energy rich products Oxygen can be used for other chemical processes Carbon fixation because carbon is captured in a way living things can now use it Plants can use glucose carbon to make complex carbohydrates or lipids and proteins The process of fixing carbon brings energy with itenergy storage stored in bonds Burning or oxidizing carbon wood Cellular respiration breaks down glucose releasing CO2 and energy Glucose goes through a series of chemical transformations that break bonds that form energy that can be use bonds Store in ways that are useful in other biological processes Photo captures energy and carbon Respiration releases energy and carbon Photo requires water no change grow mass taking carbon out of air and making other molecules Cellular respiration some glucose store in seed source of carbon and energy oxygenproducing carbon dioxide into the air water evaporation and some energy So the mass should decrease There is energy No light water respiration Carbon is mass Light water photo and respiration Stored glucose is being burned and release thus mass decreased loses carbon The fast carbon cycle carbon moves form air to plants to air air to plant to animals to air Growing plants require a lot of CO2 to grow carbon is trapped in living bodies and released when decomposers consume corpse which produces CO2 The story decay by microorganisms respiration turns grandma into CO2 Bush takes in CO2 and turns it into glucose PHOTOSYNTHESIS Some carbon has storage into the body or respiration C02 into the air COYOTO eats bunny Plants release carbon dioxide Bunny does respiration and coyote which gets converted into muscle and protein 11 13 13 When something decays some of the atoms are incorporated into carbon dioxide and some of the atoms are transformed by decomposers to form other organic molecules that make up their bodies Once carbon enters a plant it can exit with CO2 become a part of the plant cell walls protein and fat and be consumed by an insect on the plant and become part of the insect s body Carbon would accumulate in organic matter if all the decomposers in the fast carbon cycle died and were not replenished Carbon bonds are an energy source this si beacue carbon carbon and carbon hydrogen bonds are higher energy then carbon oxygen bonds As carbon switches from bonding with C or H to bonding with O energy is released True for any molecule containing carbon energy is released when carbon switches to bonding with an oxygen Which molecule yields the most energy Saturated fat better bio fuel Glucose 17 fat 25 multiply the carbon to 4 4 hydrogen bonds 1 oxygen If already bonded to oxygen there is no energy obtained Plants get the sugar to run and build their bodies from making their own sugar internally mainly from gas absorbed from the air The huge increase in biomass is due to the incorporation of CO2 gas from atmosphere into molecules by the leaves In the body c switching from bonding with c or h to bonding with o is accomplished by enzymes called cellular respiration In non living systems c switches form bonding with c or c to bonding with o via combustion heat or fire living things in source of energy Ethanol has 14 while glucose has 17 bonds Energy is lost during fermaiton What makes for a good biofuel Cheap energy efficient how much enrgy is required to produce it vs amount yield plant are better biofuel because we get our carbon energy directly What makes a biofuel problematic Transportation job loss byporoducts can be harmful or useful safety 11 15 13 Net energy balance needs to be greater than 1 Greenhouse ommisons needs to be low use of energy needs to be low 11 17 13 Fructose has more energy released than butanol Ethanol is inferior compared to other energy sources because it has 7 bonds that can be changed by cellular respiration or combustion to release energy Production of cellulosic ethanol produces less green house gas emissions than corn grain ethanol Lipids in soybean are typically found in the form of fatty acids linked to glycerol The same amount of energy can be harvested from this lipid regardless of whether this occurs by combustion or cellular respiration 11 18 13 Carbon can be found in air organic molecules ocean water plants animals bacteria In the carbon cycle Carbon is fixed by phytoplankton phyosynthetic marine organisms through photosynthesis phytoplankton die and become fertilized fossil fuels are harvested carbon is released into the atmosphere through combustion The largest carbon reservoir on the planet is sediment including limestone Carbon

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UGA BIOL 1103 - Carbon last unit

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