UGA BIOL 1103 - biology lab letter

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September 10 2013 Augustina Asiafor 205 Baxter Street Athens GA 30609 Nancy Denson 301 College Ave Suite 300 Athens GA 30601 Dear Mayor of Athens My Biology class recently tested the water quality in Lake Herrick We spent approximately two hours trying to identify the invertebrates the pH water temperature and other characteristics of the lake The goal of this project was to research the safety and living conditions of the water One of the actions of the studies was the chemical sampling such as the nitrates and orthophosphates Each chemical thus connects to the pH level of the lake By doing this we were able to measure the acidity of the water and contamination by surface waters Also the amount of phosphorus was also obtained which is essential to find the growth of biological organisms Based on the tests results Oconee River in Lake Herrick is healthy and the water quality is good The pH was average and no outliers in the results were found Our class also tested the water shed of Lake Herrick There were many dams and bridges that were used for the experiment Also erosion and spills of chemicals were very present in the watershed These structures and chemicals could easily alter the water flow of the shed The greatest effect was probably the highways and the parking areas However vegetation buffer altered the overall health of the watershed increasing the productivity Also I am proud to say that there was no litter next to the watershed and the pipes and drainage were not identified The water quality can still be improved providing more organisms to live in the water The water was also tested physically for settleable solids and turbidity The settleable solids were particles large enough to settle out of the solution while the turbidity was the lever of particles that were suspended in the water column The dissolved oxygen levels were tested to determine the respiration of the water and how it affects the birth rates of some of organisms living there The water in the stream can support an ecosystem of small organisms However it is slightly polluted and sediment The turbidity level was very high thus supporting the claim of a healthy small ecosystem This does not mean that the water is good for direct human consumption Despite all the evidence supporting the healthy kevels of Lake Herrick the amount of invertebrates living in the lake was not similar to a healthy habitat During the two hours of determined searching only seven macro invertebrates could be found We tested the streambed with silty area while another part of our group testsd the streambed with sand small gravel Even though the location with more sand small gravel had more organisms there was not a big difference between the amounts living Most of the macro invertebrates were tolerant like aquatic worms leeches and midge larvae These organisms are not resistant to pollution thus making it more susceptible to temperature floods and stream flow The overall water quality in Lake Herrick is favorable but more work is still necessary to limit the amount of stream flow and increase the amount of macro invertebrates I hope I have your full support in improving the water quality to protect our community s health Thank You Sincerely Augustina Asiafor

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UGA BIOL 1103 - biology lab letter

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