Chapter 16 The Politics of Education Goals in Educational Policy Educating Citizens as a national priority Predates the U S Constitution 1787 Public education to be universal free and compulsory Advancing Social Goals Socialization into patriotism responsibility work ethic obedience of laws etc Strengthening the Economy 3 R s as foundations of a workforce STEM excellence as key to technology dominance but research finds on a weak link between ed spending and economic growth 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Educational Performance Measurement Measures matter What are the measurable inputs and outputs of the educational system 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Educational Performance Measurement Measures matter What are the measurable inputs and outputs of the educational system Educational Attainment is a time measure not performance The Dropout Rate Event dropouts Annual number of students who stop attending in 10 12 th grades Status dropouts Cumulative number of all young adults who have not completed high school High School graduation rate often now calculated using cohorts that track every new 9th grader throughout high school years are adjusted for students transferring in out SAT Scores Verbal math and writing scores obtained on the national College Board Scholastic Assessment Test required for admission to many colleges and universities 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Educational Attainment by Race 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved SAT Score Trends What are possible contributors to the declines and increases Why did the relative relationship reverse How does academic performance in 1967 compare to 2012 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Average SAT Scores by Race Ethnicity What factors might contribute to these differences How might you measure those factors 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Educational Performance Grad rate is cohort So what drives high school graduation rates Is this measure a reliable one How did Texas s grad rate rank nationally last year 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Educational Reform http education stateuniversity com pages 1841 Coleman James S 1926 1995 html Sociologist James Coleman 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Educational Reform There is no evidence that increased spending on education improves student performance Really Some studies claim this others say no dramatic increase or no proportional increase http www edweek org ew articles 2014 05 29 33finance h33 html Educational Reform There is no evidence that increased spending on education improves student performance Really Some studies claim this others say no dramatic increase or no proportional increase What about this one http www edweek org ew articles 2014 05 29 33finance h33 html Educational Reform Magnet Schools Schools emphasizing instruction in particular areas in an effort to improve quality and attract students Examples Charter Schools Schools operated with public funds by private community groups under a charter from public school districts or other granting agency Often given waivers from certain requirements to enable innovation 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved The Debate over School Vouchers Vouchers public funds for education at school of parents choice The Pro Voucher Argument Competition makes anything better Enhances achievement Opposition to Vouchers Takes the collective out of the collective good Struggling schools lose students and funding worsening conditions there Voters Reject Vouchers Public educators have had some success in opposing 1993 CA voters voted down a ballot initiative Vouchers as a Constitutional Issue Separation of church and state government can t be used to fund religious education SCOTUS government school vouchers can be used at religious schools because government payment given to parents not religious organization 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Virtual Schools A school where classes are taught entirely through online methods which can be attended by the student at any location by logging on to their computers and receiving instructions over the Internet Two formats Fully online classes All course instruction and activities are completed via computer Blended learning classes Virtual school courses that combine in person and online instruction 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved The Common Core State Standards Initiative The governors and the state education commissioners through the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers worked together to create a set of common standards in English Language arts writing speaking and listening language and mathematics to be used at the K 12 level to prepare students for success in college work and life 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Why not look it up Why all the conflict over this What are pros cons http www procon org view resource php resourceID 2016 The Federal Role in Education Early Federal Aid Land grants for colleges specializing in agricultural and mechanical arts Elementary and Secondary Education Act Later amended into the Title I federal block grant to help states improve education for struggling lower income students Bridge the gap school wide or for targeted groups 14B program Head Start Federally funded preschool for disadvantage children Enriching learning environment to improve likelihood of school success Safe Medical care meals transportation 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Sources of Funds for Public Education in the United States With federal funding comes the certainty of federal requirements 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Organizing Public Education in the States State supervision of local school boards Dillon s Rule holds here too Enforced with administrative oversight financial controls State Commissioners of Education Elected or appointed State Departments of Education Control local districts via budget allocations School District Consolidation Make em efficient y all 75 of school districts disappeared 1950 80 State Financial Control 2014 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved https www texastribune org search q education commissioner State Boards of Education are shifting their powers to commissioners and departments Battles Over School Finances Variation among states In 2012 per pupil expenditures ranged from 6 683 in Arizona to 18 616 in New York
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