TAMU PSYC 307 - 15 - Early Childhood Education and Childcare

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Dr van Widenfelt PSYC 307 100 Fall 2015 This week Today finish up on new material for Early Childhood primarily about the educational environment Wednesday review this entire phase Friday take test on this phase Psychosocial Development ages 3 6 ERIKSON Initiative versus guilt stage According to Erikson in this period children experience conflict between independence of action and the sometimes negative results of that action In this stage children are eager to do things but feel guilt when they do not succeed As children try to resolve these challenges they develop ideas about themselves that can last for the rest of their lives Forming Ideas about self development of self concept trying to form an identity Parents teachers and caretakers can provide opportunities and give guidance to support and encourage developing preschool initiative Early childhood education and day care Child Care Outside the Home Preschool Education Almost 3 4s of US children are enrolled in some program that implicitly and explicitly teach skills that enhance development Among the major programs Child care centers Family child care centers Preschools Reggio Emilia approach School child care Head start and similar programs Care by others Proportion of infants and preschoolers in nonrelative care varies markedly from nation to nation Involvement of relatives other than mothers varies Worldwide fathers are increasingly involved in infant and early childhood care but this varies by culture Paid leave for mother and fathers and grandmothers varies by nations In the U S paid leave varies by states and employers Child policies ABOUT A YEAR OFF IN SOME COUNTRIES Sweden 16 months close to full pay shared e g both parents can take 8 months but at least 2 months is reserved for the father Bulgaria 52 weeks full pay shared by mother father and grandmother Canada 50 weeks of shared leave either parent at about three fourths pay Denmark 52 weeks shared full pay at least 2 weeks is reserved for the father and at least 18 weeks for the mother VARIES ONE DAY TO SEVERAL MONTHS IN MOST COUNTRIES Australia 18 weeks for the father and 18 weeks for the mother at minimal Wage Kenya 2 weeks for the father and 2 months for the mother at full pay Brazil 5 days for the father and 120 days for the mother at full pay Indonesia 2 days for the father and 3 months for the mother at full pay Lebanon 1 day for the father and 7 weeks for the mother at full pay Early Childhood Care and Education Homes day care and early childhood schools Quality matters If the home educational environment is poor a good preschool program aids health cognition and social skills If a family provides extensive learning opportunities and encouragement the quality of the preschool is less crucial What is important in the early childhood environment The Work of Play Play helps preschoolers develop in important ways The American Academy of Pediatrics statement on play play is essential for the cognitive physical social and emotional wellbeing The U N High Commission for Human Rights statement on play play is a basic right of every child Types of play Functional play Play that involves simple repetitive activities typical of 3year olds Constructive play Play in which children manipulate objects to produce or build something Parallel play Action in which children play with similar toys in a similar manner but do not interact with each other Types of play con t Onlooker play Action in which children simply watch others at play but do not actually participate themselves Associative play Play in which two or more children interact by sharing or borrowing toys or materials although they do not do the same thing Cooperative play Play in which children genuinely interact with one another taking turns playing games or devising contests Pretend Play Pretend play becomes increasingly unrealistic and imaginative cultures affects style of play Vygotsky Pretend play is important means for expanding cognitive skills Consequences of enrollment in outside the home child care Preschoolers enrolled in child care centers Show intellectual development that at least matches that of children at home and often is better Show similar advantages for social development Show long term benefits that include increased graduation rates higher earning savings in reduced juvenile crime and reductions in child welfare costs Conclusion High quality care provides intellectual and social benefits while low quality care not only is unlikely to furnish benefits but poor programs actually may harm children Types of Non maternal Care Family day care Child care that includes several children of various ages and usually occurs in the home of a woman who is paid to provide it Or goes to stay with grandmother Or someone comes into their home to care for them Center day care Child care that occurs in a place especially designed for the purpose where several paid adults care for many children Usually the children are grouped by age the day care center is licensed and providers are trained and certified in child development What are the important qualities of care In home or in daycare settings Table High Quality Day Care FROM Berger The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence Ninth Variety of research outcomes on Effects of Day Care In England one study found that infants who were not exclusively in their mothers care were less advanced emotionally at age 5 Fergusson et al 2008 Research in the United States on low income families also finds that center care is beneficial for low SES families Peng Robins 2010 In the NICHD study found many cognitive benefits of early day care especially in language development NICHD study also found that infant day care is detrimental when the mother is insensitive and the infant spends more than 20 hours a week in a poor quality program Effects of Day Care Family income culture religion and education affect choice of care and those same variables affect child development boys are more affected than girls This data is hard to interpret and may indicate something else going on rather than the biological sex Ie difficult boys are more often placed in day care Ie Some cultures encourage traits in boys that are discouraged in girls Note not every study finds that boys are more affected again there are many possible reasons to explain a lack of gender differences just as there are many reasons to explain gender differences Early childhood education Child centered vs

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