Radio Advertising First o WEAF Radio 1922 o New York o 15 minute infomercial for apartment Biech Whiz snack First TV commercial o Television 1941 WINBC New York o Dodgers v Phillies baseball o Ran 10 Seconds o Cost 9 Advertising model o Advertiser Person institution with a message o Agency Person team creating message o Medium Institution carrying message to consumers Modren Advertising Agencies o Many thousands in the US o Produce most ads o But ads also produced by Clients Vendors Media o Full Service agencies Research planning creative media promotions Media agencies o Boutiqure Agencies Specialize in particular aspects industires or markets Contributions of Advertising o Economic Role Links sellers and buyers Helps searching finding deals competitive pricing Capitalism economic growth Ads perform social role o free media o gratification enjoyment o something to share o influences fashion tastes Beyond products prosocial uses o Public service ads o Social marketing ads Brand basis for ads o a name sign symbol slogan color scheme pattern etc that is used to identify and distinguish a specific product service or business o Segmentation divide audience based on demographics behavior psychographics Possible Exam Question o The segmentation strategy used by advertisers based on categorizing consumers according to their attitudes beliefs interests and motivations and often determined using focus group research is known as Psychographics Positioning o training to distinguish your product idea your brand from others such as Heinz pickles o product differentiation o preemptive claims o not just features but benefits 2 how offer can transform life Campaign o coordinated effort multiple techniques awareness interest frequency exposure point of purchase o Got Milk Campaign o qualities of a good campaign sustained consistency variety connects to other activities o Creative strategies Celebrity Plain folk Snobbery Bandwagon Hidden fears Sex Humor Effective Advertising o Must connect with and engage audience Attention relate need Prompt action Reingofrce repeat buying Association principle connecting with positive value even though not obvious 3
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