UW-Madison COMARTS 155 - Podcasts

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Com Arts 155 1st Edition Lecture 23 Outline of Last Lecture I Advanced Editing II Advanced Dramatic Editing III Remix Video Outline of Current Lecture I Podcasts II Final Exam III Student Video Current Lecture Podcasts Pets Sound editing made us feel like we were part of conversation Music helped push it along Basketball Team Broad narrative told from various spectators Focus on beating Kentucky Used sound clips from sports commentators to make you feel like you re watching the game Final Exam Structure is similar to last exam Our time date and location is set by the university Format 3 sections Up to 2 hours to complete the exam Most will probably finish around 1 hour and 15 minutes 1st Section Multiple Choice Questions 2nd Section One problem solving essay Things like podcasts and videos Probably a podcast oriented question and video oriented question Also probably the idea of ethics copyright and copyright components 3rd Section Self reflective essay Look at this question and think about it and answer it Three paragraphs in response to question These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Key Concepts These will get you started thinking about what to study It will not be limited to this Emphasis on second part of the semester but things from first part will come up Things like copyright and fair use continue to be important Composition and design persist Website 2 0 Get to TA before exam starts Student Video Subtle rack focuses within single shot Sound bridges helped transitions Shallow depth of field gives us something to focus on Awkward silences similar to blank spaces drawing out moments Good character development while maintaining subtlety

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UW-Madison COMARTS 155 - Podcasts

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