UW-Madison COMARTS 155 - Advanced Editing: Dramatic Editing and Remix

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Com Arts 155 1st Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture I Acting II Tips on Directing Actors III Staging Outline of Current Lecture I Advanced Editing II Advanced Dramatic Editing III Remix Video Current Lecture Advanced Editing What makes a performance Acting Writing Directing Editing Continuity Unity Juxtaposition Contrast Conflict Kuleshov Effect Our interpretation of content changes depending on the scene Advanced Dramatic Editing Reaction Shot Insert Shot cutaway Sound bridge sound transition Using audience s imagination These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Subverting audience s expectations Constructive Editing Parallel Editing Speed of cutting Holding the shot Juxtaposition Remix Video In a digital age remix represents a common mode of interaction with our environment Types of Remix Video Eli Horwatt Political remix video Trailer remix Re cuts Mash ups Political remix video Presents political messages political defined broadly social justice issues Is guerilla insofar as the material used is copyright protected Utilizes and embraces dominant media forms What enables remix Participatory culture Networked communication The ease of digital sampling The ease of sharing and spreadability Why is remix interesting It s a case study for fair use It s a method by which underrepresented groups can tell their stories It s an argument that works across visual and sonic registers It represents how everyday citizens make sense of their environment Remix is a venue for criticism and argument

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UW-Madison COMARTS 155 - Advanced Editing: Dramatic Editing and Remix

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