URI HDF 201 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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HDF 201 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 11 20 Lecture 11 March 10 What is generativity Generativity is the desire to expand one s influence and commitment to family society and future generations What is the difference between role overload role conflict and role spillover Role overload occurs when a person has too many expectations and demands on them Role conflict occurs when one of a person s roles interferes with another one of their roles a mother wanting to go to her child s soccer game but she has work Role spillover occurs when you bring a conflict or emotions from one role into another role Describe the Family and Medical Leave Act FMLA The Family and Medical Leave Act was designed to help employees balance their work and family responsibilities and provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid jobprotected leave per year It also requires that their group health benefits be maintained during this leave period FMLA applies to all public agencies public schools private schools and companies with 50 or more employees Employees are eligible for leave if they have worked at least 12 months worked at least 1 250 hours over the past 12 months and work at a location where the company employs 50 or employees within 75 miles Lecture 12 March 12 What are some ways to nurture a relationship Emotional support validation and compliments Kind and honest talking Willingness to work through the difficulties and disagreements Sharing goals and dreams that resonate with each other Compassion acceptance and forgiveness A mutual desire to step outside the box Being able to admit mistake and being able to talk about them Lecture 13 March 24 What is the sandwich generation The sandwich generation is when you have to take care of both your own children and your parents What are some issues of one parent families Financial Issues Social isolation of parent Overload too much work kids etc Kids may grow up with issues or problems What is stagnation Stagnation is when someone fails to find a way to contribute someway Generativity vs stagnation Lecture 14 March 26 What is the difference between xenophobia and agoraphobia Xenophobia is the fear of strangers while agoraphobia is the fear of having a panic attack in a public place where people can see you Describe the different types of discrimination sex age race Sex discrimination happens in the work place A man and a woman could have the same qualifications but the man may usually get the job over the woman or may receive higher pay than the woman There are laws against sex discrimination in the work place but these situations are often very hard to prove Race discrimination is when companies won t hire people because of their skin color or race Age discrimination is when companies choose to hire a younger person over an older person or fire older people simply because of their age Lecture 15 March 31 What is crystallized intelligence Crystallized intelligence is all of the things that a person has learned through the years that has become crystallized in your brain What is fluid thinking Fluid thinking is how a person uses their thinking to come up with new ideas Lecture 16 April 2 What are the different types of grandparents Traditional Fun seeker always wanting to take their grandchildren places Surrogate when they fill in for their grandchildren s parents Distant grandparents who may live far away from their grandchildren What makes volunteering to important to healthy aging Strengthen mission 99 want to make a difference Improved physical health Stronger emotional foundation Renewed spiritual purpose Shared wisdom Lecture 17 April 7 What are the stages of retirement Honeymoon when you look forward to retiring Disenchantment when you realize retirement isn t everything you thought it would be and you may miss work Reorientation when you find structure in your life again Stable when you are able to balance retirement you are able to relax nd do things for yourself while also volunteering and doing things for others Lecture 18 April 9 What is longevity revolution People are living longer and longer as the years go on What is the night owl pattern When people are awake at night and sleep or take a lot of naps during the day What is the sun downer syndrome When it gets dark out older people tend to get moody especially in the winter because the sun sets early What is an activity of daily living ADL An activity of daily living is an activity that you do everyday and are able to do on your own getting out of bed brushing teeth getting dressed making the bed going to the bathroom Lecture 19 April 14 What are some examples of living arrangements elders live in Active adult community Apartments Continuing Care Retirement Community CCRC Assisted living Homecare Hospice Lecture 20 April 16 What are some psychological issues that cause elders to think about suicide Financial circumstances Social isolation Loss of control of health conditions Depression Being lonely Boredom What is the Eden Alternative Founded in 1991 by Dr Williams Thomas this program was created to help support elders Over 17 000 Eden associates have been trained and they now claim over 300 registered homes

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