URI HDF 201 - Immortality vs. Extinction
Type Lecture Note
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HDF 201 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture I Household Disbandment in Later Life II Living Arrangements Outline of Current Lecture I Psychosocial Crisis of Elderhood II Immortality a Symbolic Immortality III Suicide in Elders a Psychosocial Issues IV Norm of Reciprocity V Eden Alternative Current Lecture I Psychosocial Crisis of Elderhood The psychosocial crisis of elderhood is immortality vs extinction II Immortality Dying but not dying What happens to me when I die What happens to everyone when they die a Symbolic Immortality When you live on through symbols and through things such as your work III Suicide in Elders In man countries the rate of suicide is the highest in the middle aged or elderly In the United States it is the highest in while men older than 80 a Psychosocial Issues Financial circumstances Social isolation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Loss of control of health conditions Depression Being lonely Boredom IV Norm of Reciprocity When you do something for someone and they want to do something in return for you V Eden Alternative Founded in 1991 by Dr Williams Thomas this program was created to help support elders Over 17 000 Eden associates have been trained and they now claim over 300 registered homes

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URI HDF 201 - Immortality vs. Extinction

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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