JMC 1100 Wright Exam 3 Study Guide Lectures 14 19 Lecture 14 March 24 Violence in the 1960 s erupts on television The copycat phenomenon came around This is when people imitate the exact behaviors what is seen in media For example after the movie The Doomsday Flight over 8 bomb threats were called into different major airlines When these imitations are violent there is a serious problem Eron Study Longitudinal study looking at amount of television watched and suggested it would lead to more fighting arrests in future Could they hold a job Didn t answer the question saw an effect Notel Study Went into Notel before there was television and measured children s amount and type of violence Went back to find the amount of violence had increased Laid foundation for violence research Children are more impressionable and allows them to model people ex tv talking ponies Catharsis Developed by Feshbach Releasing aggression through watching violent media Has NOT been proven Only a small amount of evidence shows this in the short term no long term effects Catharsis vs Desensitization Catharsis releasing the aggression vs Desensitization becoming numb to the amount of violence What is the Cultural Indicators Paradigm It is a media study that George Gerbner created It has three parts part one was message system analysis This is a strategy that he employed to discover nature of the actual content on television The second part is the institutional process analysis This is designed to discover why media producers produce the content that they do this is accomplished by talking to producers The third part was the cultivation analysis designed to explore the effects of media messages on people s beliefs and attitudes about the social world This Cultivation analysis was used to test his media cultivation theory that more exposure to television content changes our perceptions of reality It is based on the accumulated effect stalagmite effect Three B s of Cultivation Blurs Blends and Bends o Blurs cultural political social regional and class based distinctions o Blends attitude with the cultural mainstream o Bends the mainstream attitudes to the institutional interest of TV and its sponsors To study cultivation you can use survey and content analysis It is a long term thing and it is hard to experiment Trends in Violence Research Social Learning Theory o o Developed by Bandura Adopt and model behaviors by observing representations in our daily lives Imitation versus abstract modeling Identification is key Imitating is more direct abstract modeling is picking up cues o Bobo Doll Experiments Ecological validity not realistic to life like situation and denied access to other toys Lecture 15 March 26 1 Observational Learning learn unfamiliar behavior by watching it in media a Example Pitch Perfect shower scene 2 Inhibitory Effects Seeing behaviors punished in the media teaches us to not model those behaviors ex Criminals arrested a But can extend to social issues you need to look and act a certain way for people to like you 3 Disinhibitory Effects negative behavior is rewarded and makes us more likely to model a Alcoholics considered fun people b No discussion about real results of alcoholism General Aggression Model which predicts that exposure to media violence is much more likely to lead to a facilitation effect rather than catharsis Desensitizing effect making us numb to violence in real life so that we don t react to it as we would if we had never seen it on the screen The law of emotional desensitization states when we are exposed repeatedly to the same thing the initial emotional reaction that we had will tend to decrease in intensity over the course of repeated exposure Mood management theory people chose media to fit their current mood with the goal of improving it Lecture 16 March 26 The stalagmite theory emerges What is the stalagmite theory The stalagmite theory is that mediated experiences produce long term effects the cultivation theory is apart of the stalagmite theory The CSI Effect is forensic evidence examples in media influence public perception and jury trials of what is possible in criminal science People expect us to have DNA back in 20 minutes it doesn t happen that way Lecture 17 April 2 Magic Window Dimension believe that TV content is unaltered and is an accurate representation of reality Self Identity is how a person understands and views themselves World View your understanding of how the world works and how you think it should work a Ex you identify as green and you think everyone else should be green Self Esteem Your overall appraisal of your own worth b Ex Feeling like you are smart successful and good person 4 Characteristics of Identity Identity social identity self identity Constructed over a period of time Can be updated or changed Can be future based That it impacts your behavior and attitudes What is the social comparison theory It is when individuals constantly make comparisons between themselves and others Two types of Comparison Upward looking up to someone and Downward looking down on someone Upward motivated for positive changes makes you feel like shit Downward Feel better about yourself at least I m not them allows you to stay at the status quo Negative Fiji Islands Study Studied the effect American TV had on Fijian girls Linked body images of women on TV with success Body image Ideals changed leaned more towards American style Ideals Change over time Thin vs Muscular Thin Ideal for women usually linked with false reality women starve to lose weight Closely linked with success Muscular Ideal for men usually linked with masculinity Objectification when the body as a sexual object is the primary means of association Attaches value to your body parts Objectification Theory Girls and women are culturally trained to internalize other s views of themselves as their primary view of their physical selves Two types of Objectification Self Objectification we start thinking about ourselves in terms of specific external parts Body monitoring women check something about their body or appearance every 30 seconds avg Partner objectification we start evaluation others in terms of specific external parts Objectification Objectifying media consumption is related to partner objectification Partner objectification is related to decrease in relationship satisfaction Relationships suffer because of this Lecture 18 April 7 Schema Simplify complex social environments by helping us
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