WKU BIOL 120 - Meiosis

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BIOL 120 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I Photosystems II Non cyclic III Cyclic IV Calvin Cycle V Photorespiration Outline of Current Lecture I Other types of photosynthesis II Meiosis Overview Current Lecture I Other types of Photosynthesis A C3 pathway 1 Plants that fix carbon using the Calvin Cycle 2 Uses Rubisco enzyme 3 Affinity for CO2 and O2 B C4 Pathway 1 adds CO2 to PEP to form 4 carbon molecules 2 Uses PEP carboxylase 3 affinity for CO2 4 Spatial solution These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 5 Occurs in mesophyll cell and Bundle sheath cells a PEP carboxylase fixes CO2 in mesophyll making it C3 for Calvin Cycle b Calvin Cycle occurs in Bundle sheath cells 6 Separated in space mesophyll and bundle sheath cells 7 Requires 12 additional ATP to produce a single glucose C CAM Pathway 1 same as C4 except a temporal solution and both minimize photorespiration when stomata are closed 2 during the night plants take in CO2 and temporarily fix it into acid because hot climates so stomata needs to remain closed during the day 3 During the day stored CO2 is released and used by the Calvin cycle 4 Seperated by reaction times day and night II Meiosis Overview A Key Concepts 1 is a type of reduction division leads to formation of eggs and sperm gametogenesis 2 each cell produced by meiosis receives different gene combinations on chromosomes 3 Offspring are genetically distinct NOT identical cells 4 4 daughter cells are formed with 23 chromosomes in each 5 Hypothesis of Meiosis genetically variable offspring are more likely to thrive in environments where parasites and disease are common B Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction 1 During sexual reproduction sperm and egg cells unite to form an individual 2 Meiosis is nuclear division that comes before the formation of gametes halving of chromosome number C Types of Chromosomes 1 Karyotype the number and types of chromosomes present in an organism 2 Sex chromosomes determine the sex of an individual 3 Autosomes all chromosomes that are not sex ones 4 Gametes have 1 pair of sec chromosomes and 22 pairs of autosomes 5 Homologous chromosomes of the same type carry same gene in the same location but may contain different alleles a gene a section of DNA that influences one or more hereditary traits b different versions of a specific gene are called alleles

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