UI JMC 1100 - Media that Stirs Emotion
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JMC 1100 1st Edition Lecture 20 Media Uses and Effects Media that Stir Emotions Media Today I Rolling Stone retracts Rape Story a No one fired for failures at every level of journalism II Iowa and attack on women a Rapists can sue to get visitation rights to children from their rape Last Time I II III Introduction to stereotypes As we consume media we develop ways of organizing information schemas Activated by priming a Visual audio effects Stereotyping I Happens when people don t have contact with members of a social group a Use media to develop schema b Then media determines definition leads to stereotypes and can be difficult to break II 70 of men speak 30 of women speak a Schemas entrench themselves 3 ways to study media stereotyping 1 Intergroup Comparisons a Examining percentage of one group to the percentage of another group in a given context ex crime i Usually minority vs white 2 Interrole Comparisons a Examine the distribution of the same group of people placed in different roles i How many women play strippers prostitutes vs a CEO 3 Interreality Comparison a Examine actual percentages compared to those presented in the media Stereotypes take on May forms I What do you think about people who wear glasses a Nerd smart can t see computer savvy Good stereotype bad for society These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II Model Minority stereotype members of a specific minority group tend to achieve more than average population a Creates expectation that all group members are the same way i Those that don t are treated harshly b Stereotypes good or bad don t allow people to be individuals with their own identity 4 stages of minority portrayal on TV 1 Non recognition character simply not depicted or invisible 2 Ridicule characters are clowns buffoons or worthy of being mocked 3 Regulation Characters portrayed as enforcers or administrators ex Police 4 Respect Characters treated no differently than majority The celluloid Closet I Did homosexual movies characters follow the same chronology of stages that ethnic minorities have followed on TV a State 1 Nonrecognition b Stage 2 Ridicule c Stage 3 Regulation d Stage 4 Respect II How did audiences appear to interpret homosexual characters Stereotype vs Archetype I Allowed to Be vs Expected to Be a Queer eye for the straight guy and Tim Gunn Conclusions II III IV Media perpetuate stereotypes to help our social schema and manipulate them Stereotypes can be studied in 3 ways Minorities are portrayed in a 4 step process that improves over time

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