WKU BIOL 120 - Photosynthesis and Electron Transport Chain

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BIOL 120 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Energy II Metabolism III Cell Energy IV Cellular Respiration Outline of Current Lecture I Electron Transport Chain II Anaerobic vs Aerobic III Photosynthesis Overview Current Lecture I Electron Transport Chain A The fourth step in cellular respiration 1 Potential energy from the electrons of NADH and FADH2 slowly decreases as they move through redox reactions 2 Occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane cristae 3 O2 is the final electron acceptor B Oxidative Phosphorylation 1 the energy released during this process is used to pump protons H across the plasma membrane into intermembrane space 2 Protons then move through the enzyme ATP synthase to create ATP These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 3 Oxidative Phosphorylation This mode of ATP production links the phosphorylation of ADP with NADH and FADH2 oxidation Synthesis of ATP ADP Pi ATP phosphorylation adding phosphate Occurring because of oxygen oxidative phosphorylation C Chemiosmosis 1 ETC pumps protons from mitochondrial matrix into intermembrane space 2 the proton motive force from the electrochemical gradient can be used to make ATP chemiosmosis D ATP Synthase Structure 1 Protons flow through this structure and it catalyzes the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP E Energy Yield 1 Theoretical i 38 ATP per glucose for bacteria ii 36 ATP per glucose for eukaryotes 2 Actual i 30 ATP per glucose for eukaryotes II Aerobic vs Anaerobic A Aerobic use oxygen to produce ATP more productive B Anaerobic do not use oxygen to produce ATP 1 Fermentation a metabolic pathway that regenerates NAD from stockpiles of NADH allows glycolysis to continue producing ATP without oxygen extremely inefficient a occurs when pyruvate or a molecule derived from pyruvate accepts electrons from NADH 2 Lactic Acid Fermentation a lactate and NAD are produced occurs in muscle cells b makes 2 molecules of ATP 3 Alcohol fermentation a ethanol and NAD produced occurs in yeast b makes 2 ATP C Cellular respiration and Metabolic pathways 1 cells requirements energy and carbon 2 Metabolism a catabolic pathways involve the breakdown of molecules and the production of ATP b Anabolic pathways the synthesis of larger molecules from smaller components D Fuels for ATP 1 Cells first use carbs then fats and lastly muscle III Photosynthesis Overview A It is carried out by all plants 7 groups of algae and cyanobacteria B It is the conversion of light energy into chemical energy a Co2 and H2O and light come from the environment b Stomata opening in the leaf controls the amount of CO2 going into the cells c pigments in the chloroplast is also required C Stages of Photosynthesis 1 Light dependent a require light to capture energy from the sunlight b makes ATP and NADPH c occurs in Thylakoid membrane d pigments absorb light energy at wavelength 400 700 nm i chlorophyll green color Chlorophyll a and b ii Carotenoids red orange and yellow pigments e Photosystem I absorbs light at 700nm f Photosystem II absorbs light at 680 nm g energy status pigment colors decrease as electrons are donated and the process repeats with added light energy 2 Light independent reactions a carbon fixation event not light required b use ATP and NADPH to synthesis CO2 D Types of Photophosphorylation 1 Non cyclic electrons flow in a non cyclic manner Energy gets lost and system is not constant need a constant supply of electrons to replace lost energy 2 Cyclic electron flow stays constant with energy being received and removed simultaneously

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