URI HDF 201 - Integrity versus Despair
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HDF 201 1st Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Tasks II Grandparenting III Types of Grandparents IV Widows and Widowers V Volunteering VI Mature Concept of Death Outline of Current Lecture I Integrity versus Despair II Retirement Current Lecture I Integrity versus Despair One way to reach integrity is to realize you can t change your life but you know you did your best and you feel good about it I ve done the best I could Despair happens when you look back at your life and have negative thoughts and feelings towards it and what you didn t do I could ve I would ve II Retirement Retirement is hard for many people Many people look forward to retirement but do not realize what it s actually going to be like There are four important stages of retirement Honeymoon When you look forward to retiring Disenchantment When you realize retirement isn t everything you thought it would be and you may miss work Reorientation When you find structure in your life again volunteering part time jobs daily tasks Stable When you are able to balance retirement you are able to relax and do things for yourself while also volunteering and doing things for others These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute

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URI HDF 201 - Integrity versus Despair

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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