UH KIN 4310 - ANOVA and the F statistic
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KIN 4310 1st Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Exam 3 Topics II The t test III The t test Steps IV T test Example V Question VI ANOVA VII F distribution VIII ANOVA cont Outline of Current Lecture I ANOVA II ANOVA III F Statistic IV Calculating F Current Lecture I ANOVA a Variance Within Groups i Compute the mean sum of squares ii dfw degrees of freedom within groups iii number of data points number of groups iv N k These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II ANOVA a Variance Between Groups i How spread out are the group means ii Total variance is based on all data from all groups iii Variance between groups represents the spread of the group means iv We can calculate the sum of squares between groups by subtraction v Compute the mean sum of squares vi dfb degrees of freedom between groups vii number of groups 1 viii k 1 III F Statistic a MSbetween MSwithin b If there is no effect of treatment the MSbetween will be relatively small and F will be small c If there is a significant effect of treatment then MSbetween will be large relative to MSwithin and F will be large d If F Fcrit then there is an effect of treatment and we can reject the null hypothesis IV Calculating F a You need a lot of details i k number of groups ii N total number of data points iii Xi bar the mean value of each group b Then we calculate i SStotal sum of squares of all data ii SSw sum of squares within groups iii SSb sum of squares between groups iv df degrees of freedom 1 MSw mean sum of squares within groups 2 MSb mean sum of squares between groups c Use an ANOVA table i d Once we have out F value now what e Determine critical value of F for alpha 0 05 i Use table B3 ii You need 1 df for the denominator 2 df for the numerator 3 Type 1 error rate 0 05

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UH KIN 4310 - ANOVA and the F statistic

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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