URI HDF 201 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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HDF 201 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 10 Lecture 1 January 29 Describe nature versus nurture Nature suggests that certain things happen naturally despite environmental influences Nurture suggests that the mind begins as a blank slate tabula rasa and that everything we know and are is determined by our experiences The majority of experts believe that both nature and nurture influence our development and behavior What is plasticity Plasticity also known as neuroplasticity is the brains ability to change and adapt as a result of a new experience New research has determined that the brain is continuously changing with new experiences What questions do existentialists believe everyone must deal with Death the meaning of human existence the place of God in human existence the meaning of values interpersonal relationships the value of knowing ourselves and the meaning of existence Lecture 2 February 3 What is psychosocial theory Define ego identity competence psychosocial evolution and positive mental attitude PMA The psychosocial theory emphasizes that there is growth and development through many life stages At each stage there are certain tasks that are accomplished and certain crises that occur that must be solved Ego identity is the view we have of ourselves and the view that others have of us Competence is the ability to complete tasks at each life stage and becoming good at them Psychosocial evolution is processing information from one stage to the next Positive mental attitude PMA is looking at things different in order to avoid stress look at the positives and focusing on the positives to eliminate the negatives What are the six concepts of Psychosocial Development 1 Stages of Development 2 3 4 5 Developmental Tasks age graded expectations Psychosocial Crises Resolutions to each crisis Radius of Significant Relationships there are people in our lives that have an impact on us 6 Coping Behavior how we deal with stress a Problem focused behavior b Emotion based behavior Lecture 3 February 5 How do people choose a career Many people choose a career because they have experience before and know they will enjoy working in this career Experience may include research volunteer work job shadowing parttime jobs and internships What is the boomerang generation The boomerang generation is the generation of adults that are known to move back in with their parents after a short period of time living on their own this may be partly influenced by the challenging job market and bad economy Lecture 4 February 10 Define gender identity Gender identity is when someone considers themselves to be primarily masculine primarily feminine or some of both Young adolescents had a rigid and stereotyped understanding of gender causing them to typically participate in more gender stereotyped behaviors that older adolescents What is the difference between gender and sex Gender is the characteristic qualities and social roles of a male of female and is sociological Sex is the biological chromosomal determination of being male XY or female XX What are Lawrence Kohlberg s stages of moral development 1 2 3 4 5 Obedience and Punishment Orientation Self Interest Orientation Interpersonal Accord and Conformity Authority and Social Order Maintaining Orientation Social Contract Orientation 6 Universal Ethical Principles Lecture 5 February 5 What types of things influence people s career choice Things like people s gender identity their personal abilities their past achievements their attitude about work their family background and resources and whether or not a person s parents attended college all have an influence on a person s career choice What types of things measure value satisfaction in a person s career Ability using one s skills and knowledge Achievement feeling like you ve produced good results Aesthetics finding beauty in the role you choose Altruism helping others Autonomy being independent and working on your own Creativity discovering and creating new things Economy having a high standard of living and material things Lifestyle planning your own activities and living how you want Physicality being active Prestige being acknowledged for your accomplishments Risk facing dangerous and exciting challenges Social Interaction being with others and working in groups Variety being able to change work activities Lecture 7 February 19 Name and describe the fulfillment theories Self acceptance is the ability to love yourself unconditionally no matter what flaws and traits exist Self actualization is the extent that you are willing to work to your highest potential Self fulfilling prophecy is the prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true if you think you can you can if you think you can t you can t Lecture 8 February 24 What is cohabitation What are the disadvantages Cohabitation is when two people live together without all of the legalization of marriage a partner can walk out of the relationship at any time if they think it isn t working out There are many disadvantages to cohabitation People who are cohabiting may get comfortable living like this and avoid marriage It makes it easier for a partner to walk out and if this happens there is almost always an argument about who gets what What stresses and tensions have an influence to marriage Sex too much or not enough Busy lives partners may have different schedules Money one partner may make a lot more money than the other Family pressure from in laws being involved with a new family Intercultural marriages Stepchildren and step families Lifestyle patterns may be different Work Children Lecture 9 February 26 Describe the biological clock The biological clock describes a women s progression or time from puberty to menopause marking the ability to bear children Women are born with a fixed number of eggs usually around 400 00 and their fertility usually peaks in their early 20 s and then declines Men on the other hand produce sperm throughout their whole lives but there is a measureable decrease in quality after the age of 20 What are some reasons that people choose to remain childless Lack of desire for children Personal environment and advancement Physical and health concerns Belief that is a generous act not to bring more people into the world e g to prevent suffering in a child s life Philosophical reasons restricts lifestyle options and possibilities for personal advancement Lecture 10 March 3 What is the difference between

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