Mizzou MANGMT 3000 - management gold
Type Lecture Note
Pages 98

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Chapter 01 The Exceptional Manager What You Do How You Do It Chapter 01 The Exceptional Manager What You Do How You Do It True False Questions 1 Carol Bartz CEO of Yahoo advises moving ahead quickly after a failure so as not to lose momentum True False 2 Exceptional managers have a gift that cannot be taught True False 3 Management includes integrating the work of people through planning organizing leading and controlling the organization s resources True False 4 To be efficient means to achieve results to make the right decisions and to successfully carry them out True False 5 Efficiency and effectiveness have the same meaning in management True False 6 Automated telephone systems are typically both very effective and very efficient True False 7 An effective manager s influence on the organization is multiplied beyond the results achievable by just one person True False 1 1 Chapter 01 The Exceptional Manager What You Do How You Do It 8 Chesapeake Energy CEO Aubrey McClendon s 112 million in compensation in 2008 is typical for CEOs in North America True False 9 One of the rewards of being a manager is that you can build a catalog of successful products or services True False 10 Studying management is likely to help you once you are in a manager role but is unlikely to be beneficial before then True False 11 One of the payoffs of studying management includes understanding how to deal with organizations as a customer True False 12 If you enjoy mentoring and helping others to grow management is a great job True False 13 Most people prefer to have a combination of high level of skill and low level of challenge while at work True False 14 Organizations need to stay ahead of their competition in their quality responsiveness efficiency and innovation True False 1 2 Chapter 01 The Exceptional Manager What You Do How You Do It 15 Competitive advantage is defined as finding ways to deliver new or better goods or services True False 16 When managing for competitive advantage the first law of business is take care of the shareholders True False 17 Taking care of the customer applies equally well to non profit and for profit businesses True False 18 The decline in revenue in the newspaper industry is due to a sharp drop in the number of people reading American newspapers True False 19 Whereas a generation ago organizations rewarded employees for their efficiency today the emphasis is on length of service True False 20 Despite continued immigration the proportion of racial or ethnic groups in the US is expected to be stable well into the next century True False 21 When he or she does not speak the local language a manager should rely on gestures and symbols since they have the same meaning to everyone throughout the world True False 1 3 Chapter 01 The Exceptional Manager What You Do How You Do It 22 The global network of independently operating but interconnected computers linking hundreds of thousands of smaller networks around the world is called the Hypernetwork True False 23 E commerce is the buying and selling of goods or services over computer networks True False 24 One reason e business is so important is that the Internet dramatically lowers the cost of communication True False 25 Text messages and documents transmitted over a computer network are called cybermessages True False 26 A problem typically associated with interconnected databases on the Internet is that they contain too little information True False 27 Project management software allows managers to plan and schedule the people costs and resources to complete a project on time True False 28 One advantage of e business is that organizations and teams are no longer as bound by time zones and locations True False 1 4 Chapter 01 The Exceptional Manager What You Do How You Do It 29 Telecommuting means working from home or remote locations using a variety of information technologies True False 30 Meetings that are conducted via telecommuting use video and audio links along with computers to let people in different locations see hear and talk with one another True False 31 Collaborative computing involves using state of the art computer software and hardware to help people work better together True False 32 Intellectual management is the implementation of systems and practices to increase the sharing of knowledge and information throughout an organization True False 33 In recent years white collar crime in the US has become very rare True False 34 The Josephson Institute suggests a TEAM Teach Enforce Advocate Model approach to encourage good financial habits in children True False 35 Unsustainable business practices resulted from a general notion that natural resources are unlimited True False 1 5 Chapter 01 The Exceptional Manager What You Do How You Do It 36 Some people simply don t find being a manager fulfilling because they are caught between the bosses and the subordinates or may even feel that they lack respect True False 37 One s experience in management is usually not affected by the company s culture True False 38 The management process is the same as the four management functions True False 39 When a manager is motivating others to work hard to achieve the organization s goals she is engaged in the management function of leading True False 40 When Barrett a college administrator is determining which of several degree programs his campus will offer he is involved in the management function of controlling True False 41 Organizing is the arranging of tasks people and other resources to accomplish work True False 42 When Arturo revises the wait staff schedule to have more personnel available during the busier dinner rush hoping it will help with several service complaints he is engaged in controlling True False 1 6 Chapter 01 The Exceptional Manager What You Do How You Do It 43 According to Peter Drucker knowledge workers have very little technical skill True False 44 The traditional organizational model is shaped like a rectangle True False 45 There are managers at three levels of an organization top middle and first line True False 46 First line managers make long term decisions about the overall direction of the organization and establish the objectives policies and strategies for it True False 47 Yajuan is a branch manager to whom three other managers at her facility report so she would be termed a middle manager True False 48 A first line manager directs the daily tasks of nonmanagerial personnel True False 49 A

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Mizzou MANGMT 3000 - management gold

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 98
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