Mizzou MANGMT 3000 - Chapter 11 review
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Exam 3 review Chapter 11 Personality consist of the stable psychological traits and behavioral attributes that give a person his or her identity Big five personality dimensions extroversion the outgoing personality associated with success agreeableness how trusting good natured and cooperative one is conscientiousness dependable personality positive correlation with job and training performance emotional stability how relaxed secure and unworried a person is openness to experience how intellectual imaginative curious and broad minded a person is Proactive personality more apt to take initiative and persevere to influence the environment Five traits important in organization 1 Locus of control how much people believe they control their own fate 2 types internal external Expect different degrees of structure and compliance for each type Employ different reward systems for each type 2 Self efficacy belief in one persons ability to do a task Low self efficacy associated with Learned helplessness debilitating lack of faith in ones ability to control ones environment 3 Self esteem extent to which people like or dislike themselves overall self evaluation 4 self monitoring extent to which people are able to observe their own behavior and adapt it to external situations 5 emotional intelligence ability to cope to emphasize with others and to be self motivated 4 key components 1 self awareness 2 self management 3 social awareness 4 relationship management organizational behavior dedicated to better understanding and management of people at work 2 areas individual and group behavior 3 components of attitudes Affective feelings or emotions one has about a situation Cognitive beliefs and knowledge one has about a situation Behavioral intentional how one intends to behave towards a situation Cognitive Dissonance Leon Festinger the psychological discomfort a person experiences between his cognitive attitude and incompatible behavior Reduce by change attitude or behavior belittle importance of the inconsistent behavior find consonant elements that outweigh dissonant ones Behavior actions and judgments Perception process of interpreting and understanding ones environment 4 steps in the perceptual process 1 selective attention 2 interpretation and evaluation 3 storing in memory 4 retrieving from memory to make judgments and decisions 4 distortions in perception 1 stereotyping gender age race 2 Halo effect form an impression of someone based on a single trait 3 Recency effect tend to remember recent info better than earlier info 4 Causal attributions activity of inferring causes for observed behavior a Fundamental attribution bias people attribute anothers behavior to his personal characteristics rather than to situational factors b Self serving bias people tend to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure Self fulfilling prophecy Pygmalion effect phenomenon when peoples expectations of themselves or others lead them to behave in ways that make those expectations true 3 types of attitudes managers are interested in 1 employee engagement an induviduals involvement satisfaction and enthusiasm for work 2 Job satisfaction extent to which you feel positive or negative about various aspects of your work 3 Organizational commitment reflects the extent to which an employee identifies with an organization and is committed to its goals Onboarding programs that help employees to transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies procedures culture and politics by clarifying work role expectations and responsibilities Organizational citizenship behaviors employee behaviors that are not directly part of employee s job descriptions exceed their work role requirements Counterproductive work behaviors CWB types of behavior that harm employees and the organization as a whole Diversity all ways people are alike and unalike Diversity Wheel Lee Gardenswartz and Anita Rowe Inner most outer o Personality o Internal dimensions human differences that exert a powerful sustained effect throughout every stage of our lives Age gender race physical ability sexual orientation o External dimensions secondary personal characteristics that people acquire discard or modify throughout our lives Marital status location income habits religion education work experience appearance parental status o Organizational dimensions functional level management status work location seniority work content field division department Barriers to Diversity 1 Stereotypes and prejudice Ethnocentrism 2 Fear of reverse discrimination 3 Resistance to diversity program priorities 4 Unsupportive social atmosphere 5 Lack of support for family demands 6 Lack of support for career building steps Inverted U shape between stress and performance o low levels of stress low performance o high levels of stress low performance o moderate level of stress optimal performance 6 sources of job related stress 1 demands created by individual differences stress created by genetic personality characteristics a Type A Behaviors involved in a chronic determined struggle to accomplish more in less time deadline ridden hurried impatient 2 individual task demands stress created by the job itself 3 individual role demands stress created by others expectations of you a role overload role conflict role ambiguity 4 group demands stress created by coworkers and managers 5 organizational demands created by environment and culture 6 nonwork demands stress created by forces outside the organization Buffers administrative changes that managers can make to reduce the stressors that lead to employee burnout Employee assistance programs EAP host of programs that help employees to cope with stress burnout substance abuse health family and marital issues and anything that leads to negative job performance Holistic wellness program focuses on self responsibility nutritional awareness relaxation techniques physical fitness and environmental awareness

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Mizzou MANGMT 3000 - Chapter 11 review

Type: Chapter Summary
Pages: 3
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