LINGUIS 101 1st Edition Lecture 10 Review Allophones one mental sounds and the native speakers automatically change the pronunciation Underlying phoneme the one present in more situations We always want to chose the simplest rule Vowel has the most open articulation of any sound fricatives Describe the rule don t use the phonetic IPA symbols Phonological Derivation The set of steps or rule applications that show how a surface representation is derived from an underlying form o Shown in a table underlying form then the way the word is stored in the memory phoneme then list all of the rules of the language and then show the changes that are made by each rule In the end you should end up with the surface form or the way it is actually pronounced Rules 1 Nasalized form 2 Aspiration 3 Dipthong rule natural classes a class of sounds that shares a phonetic feature or features o vocal oral stops o high vowels o voiceless fricatives phonological rules operate over natural classes These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o o o o environment for a change central low dipthong mid voiceless c voiceless c f t p k s sounds undergo change voiceless stop aspirated voiceless stop p t k some additional natural classes sibilant sound with high amplitude turbulent noise acoustic property s z t d obstruent sound made with highly obstructed airflow Oral stops fricatives and affricates sonorant sound made with open passage for airflow Nasal stops liquids glides vowels
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