URI HDF 201 - Intimacy vs. Isolation
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HDF 201 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Tasks II Why Some People Remain Single III Cohabitation a Disadvantages IV Stresses Tension Outline of Current Lecture I Biological Clock II Childless By Choice III Motivating Points for Remaining Childless IV Work a holics Current Lecture I II Biological Clock Women s progression or time from puberty to menopause marking the ability to bear children Women s fertility peaks in early and mid 20 s then declines Women are born with a fixed number of eggs around 400 000 Men produce sperm throughout their whole lives but there is a measurable decrease in quality of their sperm after age 20 Childless By Choice Many people think a couple s life can t be complete without children but having kids isn t for everyone Couples who carefully consider the disadvantages of parenthood and the advantages of remaining childfree are better off than those who blindly pursue the idealized American Dream of having children Remaining childfree is a viable option Everyone has a different idea of the American Dream and not everyone s includes having children These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV Those who choose to be childfree are often criticized and negatively stereotyped Motivating Points for Remaining Childless Lack of desire for children Personal environment and advancement Physical and health concerns Belief that it is a generous act not to bing more people into the world o Antinatalism belief it is inherently immoral to bring people into the world e g to prevent suffering in a child s life Philosophical reasons o Restricts lifestyle options and possibilities for personal advancement Work a holics Value work over any other activity even when it negatively affects their health and family People confuse hard workers with work a holics Work a holics use work to distance themselves from unwanted feelings and relationships They believe that work is more important than anything else in their lives even friends or family They get motivated trying to meet impossible demands They think about work regardless of what they re doing or who they re with

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URI HDF 201 - Intimacy vs. Isolation

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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